Electronic Banking and Performance Entry Form

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Electronic Banking and Performance Entry Form

Postby Karl Britton » Mon 01 Jun 2015 8:54 pm

To All Club Secretaries,

I have a request to all Gundog Clubs, soon cheque books will be a thing of the past and we will all be required to perform electronic banking payments. I am going to put this out there as a suggestion, taking all into account and I know some Clubs already accept electronic entries and payments.

This is superb facility where you receive an instant message, informing you that your entry and electronic payment has been received. It cuts down on both paperwork and postage and most of the time the Club secretary can cut and paste straight from the entry form direct to the catalogue. Again saving the Secretary time and resources. Plus they do not have to worry about going to the bank and handing the cash or cheques.

I personally do 95% of our banking online and believe it would definatlety be the way forward. I realise not everyone may have a computer so cannot do internet banking, you could always send in a paper entry if required or ask someone to do it for you or even use a public service like the Post Office. Once your dogs details are completed on the clubs entry form and converted to a PDF document, the rest you know is simple.

My final suggestion is, if it was agreeable with RA Central if a sub page could be set up on the site from the details put out by the Club Sec's of the Trialling Competion, you could link straight from the site straight to the Clubs bank details and where to send your entry form by having an email link to forward your dog/s details and receipt of your payment direct to the Club inbox.
Karl Britton
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Re: Electronic Banking and Performance Entry Form

Postby Peter Butterfield » Mon 01 Jun 2015 10:47 pm

Hi Karl

You raise some interesting points here. I see even further problems looming for Trial Secretaries soon with Australia Post talking about moving all standard mail to a second-class system where mail deliveries will only be made once or twice a week. That will play havoc sending, receiving and returning paper-based entries in a timely manor.

Unfortunately I don’t believe RA has either the administration capacity or security facilities required to manage a system similar to what you suggest.

The best solution can I think of would be for clubs to make greater use of established online services such as Oz Entries and Easy Dog Entries, which have become quite popular with conformation events.

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Re: Electronic Banking and Performance Entry Form

Postby Rachel Greaves » Tue 02 Jun 2015 1:37 pm

FYI the Victorian Gundog Club will be using EasyDog entries next year for entry to their Retrieving and Field Trials so - watch this space.
It seems that SA used them last year for the National so it can be done. I am sure there will be teething problems, but we will just have to work through them.
Rachel Greaves
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Re: Electronic Banking and Performance Entry Form

Postby Prue Winkfield » Tue 02 Jun 2015 2:25 pm

Having been involved in discussion on this subject one question - how will trial secretaries do the draw? Cutting and pasting obviously saves a lot of time but seeing how critical the draw can be especially in the higher stakes think it is important it is done fairly. Of course if we followed the Americans and a dog was run over the course in front of competitors
it would not be so important!
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Re: Electronic Banking and Performance Entry Form

Postby Mark Davis » Tue 02 Jun 2015 9:56 pm

Easydog entries or similar is the way forward, secretary's will work out the draw. Prue various Judges over the years have put their own dogs over runs showing how it can be done, it is often hilarious. Of course putting a dog over the run a number of times prior, proves not much!! as long as the area has been seeded is paramount.
Mark Davis
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Re: Electronic Banking and Performance Entry Form

Postby John Lawton » Wed 10 Jun 2015 10:10 pm

Further to Prues comments I would like a full explanation on the method of the draw.
As it stands the first entry into the system will be dog number one, the dog that is entered on the final hour of the entry closing will it be the last dog on the schedule?
This electronic entry has not been fully explained I.e. does the secretary receive the entry's as posted or are they sent all at once after the final closing date?
What about the late entries, will there be a firm cut off date? or will the regular late comers still be able to enter at the bottom of the schedule?

Electronic entry's are the future, no doubt, but like always we must be transparent.
The programmer of this program may already have the ability to do an automatic draw, we may have to query him/her if it is available.
John Lawton
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Re: Electronic Banking and Performance Entry Form

Postby Rachel Greaves » Thu 11 Jun 2015 7:42 am

As I understand it, the Secretary would still be doing the draw and the Club would print the catalogue.
At the closing date the Secretary would receive a list of entries with the details of the dog(s) entered and would add to that list the entries received directly by the Club. What mechanism the Secretary would use to do the draw would vary with the Club (as now).
Do I sound as if I know what I am tallking about????
One thing I am sure of is that initially, the Secretary will need more time and the closing date for entries could well have to be earlier than at present.
Remember, changes to the current system are for the benefit of people entering, not necessarily for the secretary!
Rachel Greaves
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Re: Electronic Banking and Performance Entry Form

Postby Jean Bird » Thu 11 Jun 2015 11:43 pm

Re Electronic Banking You can't go wrong with this method. You print out a copy of your details and send them with your entry form(s) to the Convenor.
Just make sure you post them in good time before the closing date which you should do anyway.
Jean Bird
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Re: Electronic Banking and Performance Entry Form

Postby Peter Doley » Thu 18 Jun 2015 11:37 am

We are discussing two issues here electronic banking and electronic entry .
The electronic banking where a club supplied banking details is not the way to go . People will deposit money into the account not leaving the correct reference details and a nightmare for the treasurer . Sure put the onus on the competitor , thats just going to cause arguements.
Electronic entries through a second party works fees and entries are collected atthesame time .
Issues are they do not accept late entries( of course everybody always gets them in on time ha ha ha)
There is a fee of approx $2 per entry . Not a problem with one or two dogs but could be for some people.
Some people will still send by sna mail and cheques.
So from a secretary's view some entries will come via a download from the service provider and others the old way .
The draw is still done the same old way.
Ps john L don't worry we know you love being first dog up .
Peter Doley
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