World Championship of Duck Shooting

For discussion on anything retrieving related - trialing, training equipment, news, etc.

Moderator: Peter Butterfield

Postby Jason Ferris » Wed 23 Mar 2005 11:58 am

:lol: :lol: I can almost hear the calls of "my duck" from here!!

Jason Ferris
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Location: Canberra region, New South Wales

Postby Wayne Parkinson » Wed 23 Mar 2005 4:34 pm

Jason it didn't take you long to pick up the finer points of the sport.

You can do all the practice shooting you like but if you haven't got your
"my Duck" ready you don't get the trophy around here.

Poor Graeme also tends to go off his game when you can't exactly recall who's property you are shooting on. He starts to worry about his car, his gun, his dog.

Wayne P still wondering what all the fuss was about. :wink:
Wayne Parkinson
Posts: 113
Joined: Mon 11 Nov 2002 8:50 pm

Postby Gareth Tawton » Mon 28 Mar 2005 8:05 pm


I didn't have to suffer such controversy. When party A, "shall we call him "the old one" has a blackie land in on his decoys, fires twice and the blackie continues happily flying down the lagoon to shooter B shall we call him the "young guy"? Who happily fires one shell and sends his dog on a successful retrieve the competition may as well be over. In fact shooter A could probably only lay claim to wounding his decoys. I wonder how many now rattle in stead of quack :wink:

I think that would be victory on birds in the bag and shells to birds ratio.

Gareth Tawton
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Location: Bendigo

Postby Wayne Parkinson » Tue 29 Mar 2005 8:16 pm

Gareth when I heard my good wife had bought your dog in the Easter trial calcutta for $125 I almost wished I was there instead of continuing with the WDHC. Luckily she is a good judge of dog and trainer.

Nothing worse than decoys that rattle except when they start making that gurgling sound as they start going down in the water. Don't make the mistake of counting the old one out yet. Many a fellow trialer has made that mistake.

Now for an update.

It was decided on Monday morning that a quick rabbit hunt would sort out the wheat from the chaff. Graeme and Major had some great finds. There is no doubting they work as a team and we were soundly out found. Whisky and I just sat back and waited our chance. Graeme and I split up and worked seperately near the end.
There was one rabbit in it at the end and amid cries of foul play, you can't count rabbits that your dog didn't flush, You can't shoot rabbits that just run past. How can you live with yourself and lectures on fair play.
The controversy continues.
I really don't know what all the fuss is about.
Wayne Parkinson
Posts: 113
Joined: Mon 11 Nov 2002 8:50 pm


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