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Postby Emma LeCras » Mon 26 Sep 2011 12:34 pm

What a brilliant weekend!! Thank you once again to everyone for making me feel so welcome at the trials. Whilst it is not something that I can see myself doing (I lack the time and dedication that you all have and have a slight fear of handling a gun!!) I absolutely love watching the dogs and handlers work.

I took 1000+ photos over the 2 days (many of them will not be any good), but I will upload them to photobucket and get the links up in a couple of days.

Congratulations to everyone on a great event!!!
Emma LeCras
Posts: 14
Joined: Sun 04 Jul 2010 10:54 pm


Postby Heather Ellis » Mon 26 Sep 2011 7:33 pm

Congratulations! What a win. Great to see. As Allen said there's certainly no excuse now - and the wildflowers in the west are so much better than those in the east!!!!!
So thrilled for you both. Congratulations also to the other placegetters and finishers.
Heather Ellis


Postby Maggie Hankinson » Wed 28 Sep 2011 11:34 am

Whoo Hoo Well done Stotty, Connie & Millie.
Maggie Hankinson
Posts: 64
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Postby Margaret Hall » Wed 28 Sep 2011 8:25 pm

John Stott and Gareth Tawton.
vca state championship 2011 041.jpg
JOhn Stott and Gareth Tawton
vca state championship 2011 041.jpg (55.9 KiB) Viewed 6108 times
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Margaret Hall
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Postby Gareth Tawton » Wed 28 Sep 2011 9:20 pm

As promised here is a judges report

The Dogs Victoria state retrieving trial championship was run on the weekend of the 24th and 25th September. There were 28 dogs entered representing Vic, Qld and NSW. This included one Weimeraner, one Golden Retriever, two German Shorthairs and the rest Labradors.

Run 1: Was a short (40 meter) walk up mark in the middle, with a long (130m) mark to the left and mid range (70m) mark to the right. The middle bird was a partridge, while the other two where pigeons. The pickup order was at the handler’s discretion.
Of the 24 starters 12 dogs failed this run with one dog withdrawn due to handler ill health. The majority of dogs that failed went out on the bird the handlers selected first being the long left hand bird. Many dogs also had trouble finding the short middle partridge. Equal high scoring dogs were Garrick Bridges and Kate as well as Karl Britton and Ebby.

Run 2: Had the handlers standing in 8 inches of water. It consisted of a long water mark (150m) in mostly wading water for the dog, which was picked up first. On the dogs return with this bird the handlers were instructed to shoot at a blind (pheasant) which was on land in the opposite direction. On report of this shot a two bird was cast landing only 30 meters from the handler. The tow bird landed in water surrounded by reeds and flooded grass. Handlers were allowed to choose when they shot the blind and therefore when the 2 bird would be cast. The blind was picked up 2nd and 2 bird last. High scoring dogs included Garrick again, John Stott with Milly and Mark Davis with both Scout and Swampy.
Spectators, competitors, stewards and the judge enjoyed bacon and egg sandwiches, tea and coffee in the morning. Lunch included pheasant wraps. All cooked while the spectators enjoyed watching the runs. Thanks Siobhan and Vicky.
Run 3 Saw the handlers sitting in a chair overlooking a large lagoon. The lagoon had a mixture of swimming and wading depth water for a dog. It also had large patches of flooded salt bush. After shooting at a blind the handlers sat down and called their dogs to heel. Two other “shooters” were positioned around the lagoon each shooting at “birds”. On report of the second shot the handler stood and shot at a long across water mark (100m). The first bird picked up was the blind which was positioned on a bush in the water surrounded by decoys (80m). This was a pheasant. The memory mark was picked up second. High scoring dogs were John and Milly, Mark and Swampy with Jack Lynch’s Tsu and Marks Scout not far behind.
Run 3 finished late Saturday afternoon as the temperature started to drop and the wind picked up. We all returned to camp and enjoyed a great dinner delivered by the famous Rochester Pizza Parlour. I am sure everyone enjoyed not having to cook after a very long day in the field.
Sunday morning arrived with beautiful sunny weather and 11 dogs left to compete. These included the 2 GSP’s of Russell Thomas and Diane McCann, our Qld representative of Di Lynch, NSW’s Jack Lynch with both his dogs plus the Victorian Labrador contingent, of Garrick Bridges, Mark Davis, Trevor Stow, John Stott and Chris Van Eekelen.
Run 4 consisted of a double rise and double fall. None of the dogs handled this run particularly well. They all saw the double fall but performed poorly on the double rise as a result. Jack Lynch and Fern was the only dog to complete the 2nd leg of the double rise without a command. However, she had a poor first mark. The winner on this run was the judge!!! High scoring dogs on the judge’s sheets were Marks Davis’s 2 dogs and Jack with Fern however only points separated them from several other dogs. All dogs completed this run.
Run 5 Was held over looking another swampy lagoon with splash water surrounding an island. A mark was thrown left to right from the island into the middle of the water behind a group of decoys. A pheasant blind was placed back and left of the mark while a partridge was placed back and right of the mark. A distance entry into the water coupled with tight angles and the ability of dogs to get out of site if they veered off line made this a quite difficult run. 5 Dogs were eliminated in this run. High scoring dogs were Chris Van Eekelen with Cooper and John with Milly.

We broke for a beautiful lunch of Caramalized BBQ Breast of Pheasant, gourmet sausages and homemade beef or chicken burgers. This was topped off with piece or two of homemade cake thanks to Connie, Pam and Siobhan!!!!

Run 6 Was a blind, mark and drag. Handlers left their dogs on the shore and climbed into a duck punt, shot at the blind and called their dogs into the boat. They faced the opposite direction to the blind and shot a mark (80m) which was dragged away in the water to simulate a diving wounded duck. The handlers then turned around and shot a mark thrown parallel to the opposite shore landing at a similar distance to the blind (140m) which was in water straight up the lagoon. Heavy cover half way to the blind made handling quite tight on the blind that was picked up first. The land mark was second and the drag last. The dog’s effort on the drag bird was outstanding. It was a pleasure to watch the dogs natural ability come to the fore. The nose work of most of the dogs was amazing. Jack Lynch with Fern top scored but only 5 points separated the top 5 dogs on this run.

Congratulations to the winning dog and handler John Stott and Rt. Ch Kadnook Dream Alil Dream (Milly) Lab 264 points
2nd Place Jack Lynch Ntl & Gr Rt Ch Coalsgarth Tassie Fern Lab 258 points
3rd Place Jack Lynch Rt Ch Lowther Highland Tsu Lab 256 points
4th Place Mark Davis Ntl & Gr Rt CH Beereegan One Tree CM Lab 255 points
5th Place Chris Van Eekelen Rt Ch Coalsgarth Cooper Lab 226 points
6th Place Russell Thomas Ft Ch Inkaline Nevada RRD GSP 195 points

Judges award went to Garrick Bridges and Kate for her water mark on Run 2.

Gareth Tawton
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