Open thread for ACT State RT Championship 2014

Moderator: Peter Butterfield

Open thread for ACT State RT Championship 2014

Postby Peter Butterfield » Wed 08 Oct 2014 9:26 am

Calling all ACT RT Championship observers...

This thread has been opened for anyone willing and able to post progress reports from the trial this weekend ...if possible?

All the best to the organisers and to everyone entered,
Retrieving Australia.
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Re: Open thread for ACT State RT Championship 2014

Postby Diane McCann » Fri 10 Oct 2014 7:32 pm

Peter, you are doing a fabulous job with this web site, thank you
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Re: Open thread for ACT State RT Championship 2014

Postby Gareth Tawton » Sat 11 Oct 2014 5:54 pm

Hi all

Very poor reception here. Sadly only 7 dogs started
Karl Britton - Red
Kevin Andrews - Lucy
Greg Playdon - Carbo
Gareth Tawton - Hallie
Gareth Tawton - Tex
Trevor Stow - Annie ???
John Hodson - Milly (springer)

Greg out run 1
Trevor out run2

Rest still in after 4 runs today.

Run 1 triple mark
Run 2 double rise and walk up
Run 3 double blind and two bird
Run 4 blind double mark

Good runs pretty wide spread birds but plenty of terrain for the dogs to deal with

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Re: Open thread for ACT State RT Championship 2014

Postby Sally Haynes » Sat 11 Oct 2014 8:58 pm

Thanks for the update Gareth and good luck on Day 2 everyone! But especially Millie of course!!! (Em's litter sister I think?)
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Re: Open thread for ACT State RT Championship 2014

Postby Karl Britton » Sun 12 Oct 2014 12:11 pm

Run 5: Double Mark and blind in and over water and cover.
Run 6: Double blind and 2 bird with angle Chanel swim going past short blind.

Lost John Hodson on the 5th run.
4 dogs went into the last run all four finished.


1st Gareth Tawton with RTCh Tirnanoge Hallies Run with 347 points.
2nd Gareth Tawton with RTCh WatermarksTexan Midnight Runner with 340 points.
3rd Karl Britton with RTCh Acolon Prince of Cypher with 297 points.
4th Kevin Andrews with Adderslot Lucy RRD with 295 points.
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Re: Open thread for ACT State RT Championship 2014

Postby Kate Eltringham » Sun 12 Oct 2014 12:27 pm

As has been reported and have been advised that there were only 7 bona fide exhibts in the event was the trial conducted as a Championship?
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Re: Open thread for ACT State RT Championship 2014

Postby Gareth Tawton » Sun 12 Oct 2014 1:40 pm


I understand Lorraine Frawley had her dogs entered to meet the minimum requirements under ANKC rules but withdrew after vetting.

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Re: Open thread for ACT State RT Championship 2014

Postby Kate Eltringham » Sun 12 Oct 2014 1:55 pm

I believe a bona fide exhibit has to present to the control point with the lead off and under the control of judge. I know that in other disciplines the exhibit has to be in the "ring" under the control of the judge.

If the dog wasn't even taken to the firing point it appears to be defeating the intent of Rule 49.

I believe this requires clarification for the benefit of all triallers.
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Re: Open thread for ACT State RT Championship 2014

Postby Peter Butterfield » Sun 12 Oct 2014 2:22 pm

Many thanks for your reports Gareth & Karl. Congratulations to both of you and to Kevin.

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Re: Open thread for ACT State RT Championship 2014

Postby Diane McCann » Sun 12 Oct 2014 3:00 pm

Congratulations Gareth, very good effort. Well done to Karl & Kevin as well
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Re: Open thread for ACT State RT Championship 2014

Postby Trevor Stow » Sun 12 Oct 2014 3:24 pm

Only a small field but some of the dog work was magnificent. Two of Gareth's runs were perhaps the best runs that I have seen in trialling. One of the runs scored him the max. points and, in my opinion, were well justified. If he lost any points in the other run it must have been to do with his shirt or clothing as the dog work was fantastic. Well done Gareth.
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Re: Open thread for ACT State RT Championship 2014

Postby Prue Winkfield » Sun 12 Oct 2014 3:59 pm

Congrats to the four that finished the trial. Even with a small field the dogs still have to do the work over two days.
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Re: Open thread for ACT State RT Championship 2014

Postby Joe Vella » Sun 12 Oct 2014 8:11 pm

As the ACT Championship Administration deemed the number of Exhibits as listed in the catologue satisfied the criteria as per Rule 49 I therefore congratulate the winner and the place getters, Well done.

I also add that I am in agreance with Kate's comments regarding Rule 49. I have been of the opinion for a long while that there should be listed for each rule the Intent of each rule as agreed by the States represented at the ANKC Raft which should result in better clarification of rules.

I do make the point as Garreth Tawton suggests that Lorraine Frawley's dogs proceded to vetting and after vetting Lorraine made the decission to withdraw her dogs.

I now refer you to Rule 70 which states,
No owner or handler shall be permitted to withdraw a dog from a Stake at any time during the progress of the Stake without the consent of the Judge (which will not be unreasonably withheald) and without advising a Steward. Any owner or handler withdrawing a dog without consent may be debarred from any further Trials or penalised according to the circumstances by the Committee of the member Body.

I am of the opinion that there has been an error made contravening Rule 70 as once dogs are checked in then they have to be presented to the Judge if they pass vetting. If Lorraine withdrew her dogs prior to the dogs being vetted then she would have been regarded as being absent and the trial would not be regarded as a Championship as it would then not satisfy rule 49.

I believe the ACT Championship Committee with all good intentions made an honest mistake in intertpreting the Rules or have been advised incorrectly when dealing with the lack of entries for their Championship.
Joe Vella
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Re: Open thread for ACT State RT Championship 2014

Postby Mark Davis » Sun 12 Oct 2014 8:46 pm

Rule 49 - Championship Stake. a minimum of 8 BONA FIDE EXHIBITS and at least 6 different owners to COMPETE before the event can be recognized as a Championship.
The key words in rule 49 are bona fide exhibits and compete.
To me bona fide means genuine, but of course there are many more interpretations, ie. presented in good faith, without deception or fraud.
Exhibit - to present for inspection, something that is exhibited
Compete - according to our rules you are not a competitor, until you take the lead of the dog at the pegs at which point you are in competition.
Maybe this trial should be referred to a higher authority.
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Re: Open thread for ACT State RT Championship 2014

Postby Garrick Bridges » Sun 12 Oct 2014 10:05 pm

Congratulations Gareth, Karl and Kevin. Halle has been consistent throughout the year and will certainly be a dog to watch out for in the future.

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