ANRTC & Retrieving Club All Age on 4th & 5th August

Moderator: Peter Butterfield

ANRTC & Retrieving Club All Age on 4th & 5th August

Postby Marilyn Dawson » Mon 06 Aug 2018 9:00 am

The Retrieving Club and ANRTCWP held their All Age trials at Spencer Brook this weekend.
Saturday was a wet and windy day with heavy rainfall pretty much from Friday night onwards the trial site was rapidly in danger of being flooded out. The day started with the SKaB’s bus being really bogged in the paddock, much digging had been attempted with Bryan upto his neck in the mud and quagmire, that the bus needed to extricated before breakfast could be supplied became a high priority for Colin. A snatch strap was deployed and with some help from Allan Bartram getting the strap in place the bus was soon back on solid ground. Judge Kerry Webster had her work cut out having to relocate several runs due to the rising waters. During the first run dogs and bags in the hide had to moved to higher ground as the flood waters rose. An example of the rate of the rising water was that by the time we got to the third run the blind used in the first run would have been a swimming leg for the dogs. The Trial was however completed and we all huddled around the SKaB bus for some hearty food and camaraderie. The next day was to be the RCWA All Age Tom Morris dedication trial and the Judge Maggie wanted to at least set some possible runs, the earlier selected channels for the Rabbit drag were now around 2meters deep and flowing quite rapidly, we pressed on and got some hopeful alternatives which might not be affected if the water continued to rise into Sunday. Finally we got to set off at around 17:30 as darkness approached, sadly a poor choice of track out and inattention saw the Nissan up to its rear axle and a call for help went out which was answered by Dennis, Maggie and Colin finally getting home at 19:00hrs.

Sunday 07:00 start saw much nicer day, the Sun shone and the river had subsided by almost a meter in the main channel which meant that at least the flooding inland had ceased. This allowed us to get some handlers out to throwers where runs could be set to utilise the flooded channel. The flooded channel did however restrict the area in which runs could be set because getting competitors through would have been logistically difficult if not impossible. The day progressed without any vehicles becoming bogged, the SKaB bus was kept in the hardstand area by the railway crossing and a plan to complete the runs before stopping for lunch worked well. Presentations and some words about Tom Morris’s involvement with retrieving were all completed alongside the railway line in glorious sunshine before leaving the site without incident around 15:30hrs.

Saturday 4th ANRTC All Age
11 Started, 5 Finished
Judge: Mrs Kerry Webster
Chief Steward: Catherine Thorburn
Stewards Included :- Dennis, Alan E, Mark & Kirsty
1st Place RT Ch Halloween Hero – Allan Bartram on 145 points.
2nd Place Rt Ch Ellishea Just Cussy – Heather Ellis on 138 points
3rd Place Rt Ch Boomermagic All Saints Eve – Colin Hankinson on 133 points.

Sunday 5th August Retrieving Club WA Tom Morris Dedication Trial
11 Started, 6 Finished
Judge Mrs Maggie Hankinson
Chief Steward Colin Hankinson
Stewards included:- Dennis, Mike, Kirsty, Anne, Sarah and her Mum Linda who was Tom Morris Sister.
Special thanks to Sarah and her Mum Linda for coming along to the dedication to Tom Morris Trial
1st Place Rt Ch Boomermagic Trick or Treat – Ann Graham 141 points.
2nd Place Rt Ch Adderslot True Boo – Judy Pannett – 122 points.
3rd Place Rt Ch Boomermagic Halloween Hero 116 points.

Thank you to Colin Hankinson for the results, condition report.
Marilyn Dawson
Posts: 163
Joined: Wed 16 Mar 2011 5:46 pm
Location: WA

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