SA State Championship judging arrangements

Moderator: Peter Butterfield

SA State Championship judging arrangements

Postby Jessie Hughes » Wed 16 Aug 2023 7:30 pm

Due to the large entry for the SA State Championship it has been decided that, unless there are 6 or more scratchings from the event, Run 2 will be chosen by the Championship judge, Diane McCann (V) and judged by Jeff Patrick (SA) commencing about the same time as Run 1.

Dogs in the A field, 1 – 15 as per the draw will be judged by Di McCann as Run 1.
Dogs in the B field, 16 - 31 as per the draw will be judged by Jeff Patrick as Run 2.

The successful dogs will then go to the other judge and compete in numerical order to complete Runs 1 and 2.

For Run 3 all successful dogs will be judged by Di McCann in numerical order, with a ballot for the starting order of this run being done prior to the commencement of the run.

For Runs 4, 5 & 6 - three separate draws will be conducted for the starting dog (or the next successful dog) at vetting on Sunday morning.

If the field is split - any dog that has competed first on any Run in this trial will not go into subsequent ballots/draws.

If we have scratchings and the field is NOT split, Run 1 will start with dog # 1 and Run 2 will start with dog # 16 with ballots (as described above) for the remaining runs.

Jessie Hughes
for the RAFT Advisory
please don't shoot the messenger !!
Jessie Hughes
Posts: 194
Joined: Tue 29 Oct 2013 10:45 pm

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