For discussion related to spaniel and retriever, pointer and setter, and utility field trials

Moderator: Peter Butterfield


Postby Diane McCann » Mon 05 Jun 2017 8:21 pm

On Behalf of David Blacker.

As you maybe aware the Utility Gundog Field Trial rules are up for review in 2018 to be effective in 2019.

If you have any suggestions / ideas for rule changes that you would like to see that may help or encourage new people to our sport then please submit to David as soon as possible.

Any suggestion made will be discussed at a rules meeting to be held at the Victorian State Championship UD Field Trial on the 24th & 25th of June. If you would like to have input and cannot attend this trial then please contact David.

Below are suggestions that have been put forward

Rule 10 (a) Field Trial Champion
Add: that may be legally shot
On application the member body may, at its discretion grant the title Field Trial Champion to a dog which wins a Championship Stake, and to any dog awarded a total of ten (10) Championship points in Field Trials that are held on live game THAT MAY BE LEGALLY SHOT
Rationale: To help differentiate between a Field Trial Champion and a Field Trial Champion CS

Part 8 Page 12 rule 44
Add: Dogs are expected to flush game for the gun on command. A handler shall not touch or walk in front of a pointing dog, stamp on the ground, or kick the ground cover to flush the game.
Rationale: to help to eliminate this poor aspect of our dog work.

Part 8 Field Trial Procedure
Rule 44
To be inserted after
Breaking to shot and retrieving before the order from the judge may be grounds for elimination, at the discretion of the judge.
If a finding dog is prevented from attempting to retrieve a shot bird because its brace mate breaks and steals the retrieve, then the finding dog should be given an opportunity to complete the retrieve as per the procedure laid out for land retrieves (close season).
When birds are scarce and opportunities are few a competitor may be disadvantage by not getting a retrieve due to its brace mate stealing there retrieve. This rule change is proposed in the interest of fairness.

Part 9 Water Test Requirements
Open/ All age
Two items of game to be picked up, At least one item to be in or across water approx (approx 80 metres or less)
Change to : 1 item of game to be picked up in or across water (approx 80 metres or less)
Delete Options May include:
double mark
Double rise
Mark and blind

Change from Two to three items of game
To Two items of game
Options may include a mix of.
Mark, Mark blend with a blind
Double rise blend with a blind
Mark blended with blinds
This was changed at the last rules review, but has proven to be a barrier for prospective trailers
So to encourage more trailers to the sport , simplify the water test requirements

Rule 30:- When one dog comes on point, then the other dog must be allowed to continue, to demonstrate whether it will back naturally of its own accord, or steal.

Add – A dog may successfully complete a trial and be eligible for awards if it fails to back due to a complete lack of opportunity throughout the competition

Backing demonstrates manners and stops interference with the running mate, very important but does not in any way demonstrate the working ability of a dog.
We are allowed within the rules to use our whistle and voice to assist / direct our dogs in the following (not exclusive) - To stop them from stealing, to stop them from breaking to shot, to encourage them to point rather than road, to direct them to a retrieve, to keep them in range, to stop them from chasing - yet we are not allowed to assist our dog in any way when it comes to backing
· Judges have the option to eliminate a dog for refusing to back when it clearly has had the opportunity, particularly when it is repetitive
· Backing is rewarded by 10 points on the score sheet, a minor amount when looking at the total score, yet backing has enormous and out of proportion importance as you cannot complete a trial without backing
· I have witnessed and heard anecdotal evidence of trials that became farcical due to trying to award a back to a dominant finding dog that had no backing opportunity (continually out-finding opponent), or the clearly superior dog was eliminated due to not backing even though no opportunity was provided
· The current rules already allow for penalising or eliminating a for a dog that refuses to back when the opportunity is there, failure to back should be penalised and it currently is. See below
Part 12 Definition of Terms
BACKING: When two dogs are working and providing they are suitably placed, upon’ one dog coming on point, the other must immediately honour the point by adopting a pointing attitude and remaining in that position until the pointing dog moves on; the backing dog must neither dash nor creep up behind the pointing dog, nor in any way interfere with the work of the dog on game. All dogs are expected to back subject to the above conditions.
Note – The final line states All dogs are expected to back subject to the above conditions. The above conditions state ‘and providing they are suitably placed’
Part 11, Eliminations, Faults, Credits
50 Major Faults
GENERAL Poor control Noisy handling Unsteadiness to flush or fall Running in to fall of game with obvious intent, and in spite of being brought under control Failure to back Stealing Failure to face cover Deliberate Flushing Disobedience

Page 17 Game definition for Utility Gundogs Snipe
Change to: Snipe (when a season is declared)
Rationale: Could be misunderstood by some to think that we can still shoot Snipe even though a season has not been declared.

Page 16 Major Credits
Water Work Add marking ability
Rationale: Marking ability is a key component in retrieving in water or across water.

Page 16 Rule 52 Definition of Terms
Any dog that finds and deliberately passes by the point, either through nervousness or bad training is a " blinker". A dog that finds, stands for a few moments and then leaves the point is also a blinker

Delete A dog that finds, stands for a few moments and then leaves the point is also a blinker
Rationale: This is too hard to judge, very subjective as to whether the dog was pointing game or just indicating a scent of interest.

Page 22 Water Work
Retrieving Max 30 points
Proposed Change
Retrieve Max 20 points
Rationale: 30 points for a retrieve carries to much weight in the outcome of a Field Trial reducing the value to 20 points is seen as a fair value.

Page 5 Part 1 clause 7
No stake at any Field Trial can be conducted unless there are a least 6 bone fide runners, except for novice with 4 bone fide & at least 4 different owners.

Proposed Change
No stake at any Field Trial can be conducted unless there are a least 6 bone fide runners and at least 4 different owners, except for Novice were 4 bone fide runners & 4 different owners is allowed.
Rationale: is
To clear up any possible misinterpretation of the rule.

Part 3 Titles and Awards 10a
Field Trial Champion
On application to the member body may, at its discretion, grant the title of Field Trial Champion to a dog which wins a championship Stake and to any dog awarded a total of 10 championship points in field trials that are held on live game. A full 5 championship points must be won in any one stake. The dog must have been adequately tested on finding live game birds, and also an accumulation of 5 championship points must have been awarded to the dog in field trials that are held on live native game birds (quail)

Proposed Change: From an accumulation of 5 Championship points to 3 Championship points.
The dog must have been adequately tested on finding live game birds, and also an accumulation of 3 championship points must have been awarded to the dog in field trials that are held on live native game birds (quail)

Rationale: This would allow dogs to gain points towards their Field Trial title on exotic birds but still keeping the requirement that they must have been award a least 1 place at a higher level Open and 2 places at the lower level (Novice)

Part 3 Titles and Awards 10a
On application to the member body may, at its discretion, grant the title of Field Trial Champion CS ( Closed Season) to a dog which wins a Closed Season championship Stake and to any dog awarded a total of 10 championship points in either a shooting or Closed Season Field trials that are held on live game. A full 5 championship points must be won in any one stake.
Rationale dog must have been adequately tested on finding live game birds, and also an accumulation of 5 championship points must have been awarded to the dog in Field trials that are held on live native game birds (quail)

Proposed Change

Proposed Change: From an accumulation of 5 Championship points to 3 Championship points.

The dog must have been adequately tested on finding live game birds, and also an accumulation of 3 championship points must have been awarded to the dog in field trials that are held on live native game birds (quail)

Rationale: This would allow dogs to gain points towards their Field Trial title on exotic birds but still keeping the requirement that they must have been award a least 1 place at a higher level Open or 2 places at the lower level (Novice)
Diane McCann
Posts: 652
Joined: Mon 01 Mar 2004 1:55 pm
Location: Pearcecdale Vic

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