Are email alerts useful

For discussion on anything retrieving related - trialing, training equipment, news, etc.

Moderator: Peter Butterfield

Are occassional emails alerting you to new and interesting items on the bulletin board useful to you as a member of the board?

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Total votes : 22

Are email alerts useful

Postby Jason Ferris » Wed 15 Sep 2004 3:16 pm

I was wondering if you find emails to the members of the bulletin board, like the one that I sent around today about the national photos, to be useful. Vote in the poll and let me know.

If the majority vote 'yes', I will send them around every now and again (not more than one per week and probably only once a month as something particularly interesting is posted).

cheers, Jason.
Jason Ferris
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Postby Lisa-Maree Price » Wed 15 Sep 2004 3:57 pm

Why didn't I get the email about national photos. I am on the email list.

Lisa-maree Price :D
Lisa-Maree Price
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Postby Jason Ferris » Wed 15 Sep 2004 4:08 pm

Hi Lisa-maree

You should have got the email - it went to the address you supplied when you registered as a member on the bulletin board (to check yours is still current click on "Profile" at the top of the screen). Maybe your organisation's email system thought it was spam?

Cheers, Jason

Here is the text of the email...

The following is an email sent to you by an administrator of "Australian Working Retriever Central Bulletin Board". If this message is spam, contains abusive or other comments you find offensive please contact the webmaster of the board.

Include this full email (particularly the headers).

Message sent to you follows:


Just a quick note to let you know that you can now view photos from the 2004 National Retrieving Trial Championship on the Australian Working Retriever Central Bulletin Board (

To check them out go to the "Trial Schedules and Results" forum and click on "2004 National Results". This topic contains Julian Bielewicz's excellent report from the National and Greg Playdon's great photos of the trial.

Cheers, Jason.
Jason Ferris
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Posts: 989
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Location: Canberra region, New South Wales

Postby Julie Cramond » Wed 15 Sep 2004 4:19 pm


I think that it would remind everyone that the Australian forum exists.

From time to time at trials, especially by older folk, I have been belittled by browsing on this forum and others.

I would never knowingly put anyone down and hurt them in such a manner.

Happy training everyone.

PS I would bare my bum at Flinders Street Station if I thought that would help me become a better trainer and breeder.
Julie Cramond
Posts: 323
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Postby Jason Ferris » Wed 15 Sep 2004 4:34 pm

Julie Cramond wrote:I think that it would remind everyone that the Australian forum exists.

I agree!

Julie Cramond wrote:From time to time at trials, especially by older folk, I have been belittled by browsing on this forum and others.

I have copped a bit of this too and have heard of some people in the trialing community actively discouraging participation in the bulletin board. I'd love to know what their concerns are and what they would like to see change. Anyone who wants to fill me in can drop me an email anytime.

My approach as moderator of this board is simple - I am just trying to provide a place for people to talk to each other about retrieving trialing and their dogs.

Cheers, Jason.
Jason Ferris
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Posts: 989
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Location: Canberra region, New South Wales

Postby Alan Donovan » Wed 15 Sep 2004 10:10 pm

Hi Jason

Keep up the good work - informative emails always appreciated.

Probably you will be relieved to know that - even if it were to result in some improvement in my dogs' performance - there will be no "bum-baring" at Flinders Street (or anywhere else) by me. Well, not in public, anyway.

Flack (or belittling) notwithstanding.

Cheers - Alan
Alan Donovan
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Postby Teresa Parkinson » Thu 16 Sep 2004 10:06 am

Jason, I like getting those emails. I try to check the forum regularly but when things are quiet it's easy to be off the air for a while & before you know it, you've missed something vital.

Keep them coming I say!

As for getting poo-hoo'd for frequenting training forums, can't say it's happened to me - yet! Personally, I think it's great being able to share ideas/knowledge in such an accessible way. We're only limited now by how much we are prepared to learn.

Teresa Parkinson
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Postby Leanne O'Sullivan » Fri 17 Sep 2004 11:01 am

Hi Jason

I think it's a very good idea too.

I think the people who criticise the forum are people who don't believe they have anything more to learn. Good luck to them.

Leanne O'Sullivan
Posts: 152
Joined: Fri 28 Nov 2003 9:31 am


Postby Susie Partridge » Fri 17 Sep 2004 6:30 pm

Hi Jason, I haven't heard any derogatory remarks about the forum down here, I think it's great and log in regularly to try and keep in touch.
keep those emails coming, and if anyone thinks that baring body parts in public will help results, let me know, I've tried training, shouting, crying.......
Susie Partridge
Posts: 220
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Postby Gareth Tawton » Sat 18 Sep 2004 6:45 pm


I think some "infomails" would be a great idea. As for those that put down the website chat (I am sure they exist) you can never please everyone. However I would make one observation. IN my opinion the 2004 trialling season has been the best I have seen in my 20 odd years of competing. The runs as a general rule have been fairer and the competitors happier than ever before. Is this a strange coinsidence or has the "chat" since the release of Joe Laws paper at the end of last year had some effect. I suspect the later. A silent member of the website is better than a non member so anything that helps at least get people to read a little about what is happening around the country is great to me. Keep up the good work!!!


PS I also see that after some rather healthy debate we have a number of rule changes on the way thru to implementation that would seem to reflect the opinion of the majority no the minority. GREAT STUFF
Gareth Tawton
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Postby Bo Curtis » Tue 21 Sep 2004 11:31 pm

Yes, they are helpful reminders.
Bo Curtis
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