Results of ACT Championship

Moderator: Peter Butterfield

Results of ACT Championship

Postby Laraine Frawley » Mon 13 Oct 2008 9:14 am

Results of the ACT Championship held 11th and 12th October 2008
There were 20 entries, one absent and five finishers

1 Gr RT Ch Kadnook Pride ov Cork (Lab) G&S Tawton 260 points
2 Nat &Gr RT Ch Coalsgarth Tassie Fern (Lab) J Lynch 254 points
3 RT Ch Tockatunga Slick Willie (Lab) R Whitechurch 223 points
4 Nat & Gr RT Ch Adderslot Crackers Triga CM (Lab) R Whitechurch 214 points
5 FT Ch Pointgold Obliterate RRD (GSP) D Mills 199 points
Laraine Frawley
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Re: Results of ACT Championship

Postby Lara Sedgmen » Mon 13 Oct 2008 12:18 pm

A few photo's from the weekend, unfortunately I didn't get to take many on the first day so they are mainly the 6 dogs left in the trial. More can be found here ... 957971213/

Apologies if I've mixed up any of the yellow Labs!

Monty on the last run

Fern on the 3rd run

"Slick Willie" I think! on the 2nd run

Junior on the 3rd run

Kellie run 4

Ernie on the 2nd run


Pirze table
Lara Sedgmen
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Re: Results of ACT Championship

Postby Prue Winkfield » Mon 13 Oct 2008 12:56 pm

Congratulations to the finishers especially David - another Utility Gundog to complete a State Championship!
Prue Winkfield
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Re: Results of ACT Championship

Postby Judy Pannett » Mon 13 Oct 2008 8:17 pm

Hi Lara,
could you please email me?
I sent an email to the email listed but had no reply so assume you didn't get it. (Or you don't want to talk to me :( )
Judy Pannett
Judy Pannett
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Re: Results of ACT Championship

Postby Tony Rowland » Tue 14 Oct 2008 2:23 pm

well done gareth and all the other finishes
The channel swim in the second run must be still giving some people flash backs, a great challenge that graeme set on the first day that kept all on the edge of their seats.

working with the grey ghost, can be like catching fly with chop stick''
Tony Rowland
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Re: Results of ACT Championship

Postby Kirsty Blair » Thu 23 Oct 2008 7:08 pm

Submitted on behalf of Rob Tawton....

2008 A C T State Retrieving Trial Championship

The 39th A C T State Retrieving Trial Championship was conducted on 11 & 12 October on a property located east and south of Coppins Crossing and in near perfect weather conditions. The event attracted an exceptionally well credentialed field of 20 dogs, of which 19 were present at the conclusion of vetting. Collectively the field included dogs that have won, amongst other events, four National Championships, 1st & 2nd Place in the 2008 Queensland State Championship; 1st, 2nd & 3rd Place in the 2008 S A State Championship: 1st, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th Place in the 2008 National Championship; 1st, 2nd, 3rd &4th Place in the 2008 N S W State Championship.

Mr Graeme Parkinson judged the event and set a tough, but extremely fair course that included 6 Runs all of which required three items of game to be retrieved. Two Runs were contested on the Saturday and the remaining 4 Runs were concluded on Sunday.

Run No.1 was a Triple Mark Retrieve on land. The first item of game was cast long, back and to the right from the crest of a hill. The second item of game was cast long and to the left across a shallow gully. The last item of game was cast short and incoming in the centre. The order of pickup was right, left and then centre. Three dogs failed to complete this test.

Run No.2 was a Double Blind Retrieve coupled with a Single Mark Retrieve. The single Mark was cast from the near bank of the river to land in heavy cover of the opposite bank at a distance of approximately 50m. The first item of game to be recovered was the water Blind at a distance of about 150m. In order to recover this item of game the dogs had to “channel swim” down the river passing under the arc of the Mark. Dogs that beached early inevitably became lost in the maze of blackberry that has taken over the area since the 2003 bush fires.
The next item of game to be recovered was a rabbit placed on the top of a small, but steeply sided hill. The bird in the heavy cover located on the opposite of the river was recovered last. Eight dogs failed to complete this test.

Run No 3 was a Double Rise Retrieve coupled with a Blind Retrieve. The dog was left in a hide while the handler proceeded forward and fired a shot at the Blind, a rabbit placed amongst some rocks on sloping ground across a shallow gully and at a distance of approx. 150m. The handler then called his dog to heel before firing two shots at a Mark cast from left to right to fall on a plateau beyond the gully and at a distance of about 120m. The Blind was to be recovered first, followed by the Mark and finally an additional item of game placed in the vicinity from where the second item of game was retrieved. Two dogs failed this test.

Run No 4 was a remote entry, across water Blind coupled with a Double Mark Retrieve. The first Mark was cast from left to right falling on a plateau adjacent to the river at a distance of about 130m. The second and shorter mark was cast from right to left to fall into cover along the river bank and below the rise to the plateau. The order of pickup was the Blind followed by the Marks in the order they were cast. All dogs still in competition completed this test.

Run No 5 was a Triple Mark Retrieve with the first item being cast from a location diametrically across a large pool of water and landing on the far shore line at about 130m. The left hand item of game was cast to land in cover that necessitated the dogs to cross two lots of water in order to recover the bird. The last item of game was cast to land in the water right of the line to the original Mark and this was the first item to be recovered; next was the first Mark and finally the second Mark. Only one dog failed this test.

Run No 6 was an across water Blind and Two Bird Retrieve combination. The dog was left in a hide while the handler moved forward and fired at the Blind located diagonally across the river and well out into the paddock at a total distance of about 145m. The dog was called to heel to then observe a Mark cast from behind trees on the opposite bank to land in a gully left to the line to the Blind. The first item to be recovered was the Blind and as the dog was returning to its handler, a second mark was cast to land in the river left of the line to the first Mark; this item of game was recovered next and finally the Mark from the gully. All dogs completed this test.

1 Gr RT Ch Kadnook Pride ov Cork (Lab) G&S Tawton 260 points
2 Nat &Gr RT Ch Coalsgarth Tassie Fern (Lab) J Lynch 254 points
3 RT Ch Tockatunga Slick Willie (Lab) R Whitechurch 223 points
4 Nat & Gr RT Ch Adderslot Crackers Triga CM (Lab) R Whitechurch 214 points
5 FT Ch Pointgold Obliterate RRD (GSP) D Mills 199 points

From my perspective the Trial would not have been the success it undoubtedly was without the effort Graeme put into selecting his Runs. I know he spent considerable time on site before making his final selection. The assistance provided by Peter Serle, Bruno Pollini, Lara Sedgmen, Joanne Hagan, Laraine Frawley, Siobhan Tawton and my wife, Pam, was outstanding and thank you so much! I would especially like to thank Dave Mills for his contribution in the form of local game used during the Trial and to Jason Ferris and the W G C C for additional pigeons and the loan of an extra toilet. Many thanks must also to the Lessee of the Trial Site, Andrew Collins, because without suitable venues our sport cannot prosper. The support received from both Advance in the form of their excellent product and Dogs A C T , who provided the Sashes awarded to the five place getters, was greatly appreciated by all concerned.

Robert Tawton.
Kirsty Blair
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