by Sandra Hodges » Wed 17 Mar 2021 8:52 am
Hi Bob,
Yes, my Air&Go 4 shooter has arrived last month. It’s a great tool! Very happy about it. It shoots the dummy’s nice high and you can change the directions on where you want them to go. (It throws about 18 meters far and 7 meters high on an 45 degrees angle with supplied dummy’s) It can shoot 2 at the same time with a special pipe or just one after another. It’s light weight as well (11kg for 4-shooter, 15kg for 6-shooter) The remote control has a 300 meter range. You can choose for an optional duck and/or pheasant sound.
I was so stoked about it that I’ve made arrangements with the business owner in the Netherlands to import 8 4-shooters and 2 6-shooters. I took the Air&Go with me to the last RATG in Singleton to show it and have already some orders in.
Are you going to the Retrieving Trials in Tarana this weekend? I’m going to take the launcher with me to show John from Sporting Outback Supplies. He has dokken dummy’s that we are going to try and fit on them. Might see you there? Or I will be in Tamworth RT as well the week after.