Meningie travel update for Victorians this coming week-end

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Meningie travel update for Victorians this coming week-end

Postby Jessie Hughes » Tue 29 Jun 2021 3:22 am

Travel update 28/06/21

Travel from Victoria to South Australia


People who have been at a COVID-19 Tier 1 or Tier 2 Public Exposure Site as published by the Victorian Government (but not those dated before 20 June 2021) are subject to level 6 restrictions and are not permitted to enter South Australia.
People who are escaping domestic violence who have been at a relevant Tier 1 or Tier 2 Exposure Site are permitted to enter South Australia subject to Level 4 requirements:
• must self-quarantine for 14 days
• COVID-19 test on day 1, 5, & 13
• A person must wear a face mask (covering mouth and nose) at any time that they come into contact with the public

From 8:26pm 27 June 2021, any person (including Essential travellers, returning South Australian residents and people genuinely relocating, and people escaping Domestic Violence) arriving from Victoria (other than those who have been a Tier 1 or Tier 2 exposure at a relevant time) is permitted to enter South Australia but subject to modified Level requirements:
COVID-19 test on day 1
• Self-quarantine until undertaken the first COVID-19 test
(do not need to wait for the result).
• No entry into high risk setting for 14 days after arrival, unless clause 9 applies. This doesn’t include retrieving trials

• No entry to COVID Management Plan events over 1000 people for 14 days after arrival - This doesn’t include retrieving trials

Entries will be received via Easydogs up until 12 noon this Wednesday (SA time). If you have entered and want a refund for any reason (ie you can't be bothered with the Covid testing), that will be done up until close of entries. Please email me on if you wish to withdraw your entry or if you have sent a snail mail entry.

All of the Judges are currently in SA.

We hope to be having a dinner on the Saturday night at a restaurant but that will depend on their Covid restrictions. Details later.

Jessie Hughes
Jessie Hughes
Posts: 200
Joined: Tue 29 Oct 2013 10:45 pm

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