For a while now, both of the above terms have been used to describe the alternative to "real game" [sometimes also referred to as 'cold game'] in retrieving commentary. Now "Replica Game" has become the formerly enshrined term in the next DA Rules for Retrieving Trials.
I've just come from a state rule review meeting where a considerable amount of editing was made to proposals in order to conform with the replica term.
For the sake of clarity and consistence (for this publication at least) I'm going to suggest that the term "Replica Game" from now will generally be understood to mean items that simulate approved types of game used in retrieving trials, eg Dokken Ducks etc. Whereas, "Artificial Game" will mean any non-real items used for retrieval purposes in general (in trials or training) including dummies or other non-approved replica game products or items.
Perhaps these terms will also be addressed in the Definition of Terms section of next set of rules in progress.
If you agree or disagree with any of this or have any thoughts at all on the subject please feel free to comment below.
Yours in retrieving,
Peter Butterfield
RA Admin.