Christmas Message from Ron Jackson - NRAFT Chair

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Moderator: Peter Butterfield

Christmas Message from Ron Jackson - NRAFT Chair

Postby Peter Butterfield » Fri 15 Dec 2023 6:02 am

[Reposted from RA (Fb)]...

Firstly I would like to say how jealous I am of those States still hosting Retrieving Trials. Temperatures between 30* and 37* here in Queensland and we can barely step outside.

A bit of basic information regarding our Retrieving in Australia.

Please remember the recent rule change authorised by Dogs Australia does not necessarily change anything for us right now. No State, as at this time, has any need for concern as the use of Replica Game remains an option and entirely up to each club to choose.

If, and when, that changes, with particular reference to Queensland, we will deal with it as best we can without causing disruption to our trialling calendar, or to any other State. The Qld RAFT will be preparing a set of guidelines for this outcome and as this has been in our possible (probable) future since this time last year, our clubs are prepared for what we hope will be a stress free transition, again, if and when it comes.

We have several handlers planning on competing interstate in 2024 and looking forward to that.

As Queensland RAFT Chair, I would like to thank those of you who have been aware of our position and show us kindness and understanding.

As NRAFT Chair I am always open to hear your views, preferably through your State RAFT Representatives. I am hopeful that our State RAFTS will be open and available to all of our Retrieving community members and represent the broader views of you, the trialers.

(FCI ) recommended guidelines with regard to our Retrieving and Field Trials, which I have done. Our Retrieving Trials essentially equate to the Working Test.
Here is an excerpt from the email I received from the President FCI commission retrievers. And what a ‘Small World’ , it turned out this is a Gentleman I met in the UK when I visited 5 years ago and attend a number of trials there. Food for thought here:

- Field trials, which are a normal shooting day on which the dogs are judged while retrieving fresh shot game.
- Working test, which are usually held outside the shooting season and are artificial test with dummies. When instead of dummies, cold game is used, they are sometimes referred to as “cold game tests”.
Most countries (including the UK) do now discourage or sometimes even forbid the use of cold game for working tests as it is considered unethical. It is not justifiable to use large amounts of game just for a Gundog competition after which it is unsuitable for consumption. Secondly it does not add to the test value. Therefor we advise not to use cold game.
Keeping it simple we advise working tests with dummies outside the shooting season and field trials during the shooting season.

At the moment, I would like to wish you and your family a Happy Christmas a hoping for a pleasant trialling season for us all in 2024, whatever that may be for each of us.
We are a small community these days within the Dog Sports world and need to respect and support each other.
Regards, Ron.
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Peter Butterfield
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Re: Christmas Message from Ron Jackson - NRAFT Chair

Postby Joe Vella » Sat 06 Jan 2024 11:28 am

Hi Ron,
I just logged on and noticed your Christmas message. It is a bit late for me to wish you and your family best wishes for Christmas but I do so for the New Year.

Ron as part of my post reply, I ask questions of interest with regards the request you have had, to assess the Federation Cynologique Internationale,

1. Was this a request only made to you as Chair of National Raft or to the National Raft Committee. Is your assessment on behalf of the National Raft Committee or is this your own personal opinion. Is this a one man show?

2. I and others on this website would be very much interested in the full version of the email you received from the President FCI commission retrievers and your assessment of this and not just an excerpt from it. The rank and file would deserve and appreciate this. Will you please make this available?

3. Why would this gentleman feel there is a need for the FCI to recommend guidelines with regards to our Retrieving and Field Trials?

4. Ron what is your message here, what is the point you are trying hard to make us all believe?

Our retrieving trials are not just a working test as you are trying to have us all believe. The situation in our country is way different to that from where this gentleman hails from and the manner in which Retrievers are tested in those countries.

As you are aware we in this country have States which enjoy hunting seasons and others don't.
The created intent of our Retrieving trials is to assess the working abilities of our retrieving gundogs for the field through the use of cold game. Over the years this has produced quality breeding stock and puppies from such Stud dogs and bitches.

The FCI terminology may refer to our trials as a test but lets not degrade our Retrieving Discipline further than what has been initiated upon it.

Be proud of what we had before the ANKC initiated what it did. The FCI would do well if it introduced in it’s member countries the ANKC Retrieving Discipline as we once had it.

Our Gundogs were thoroughly tested on all aspects of hunting which a gundog may encounter in the field while hunting, prior, to the ANKC’s modification to the Rules. The Retrieving Discipline sought for excellence in dog work again prior to the ANKC’s modification to the rules.

Ron I am hoping that you may have explained to this gentleman that Game in our country cannot be specifically bred for use in Retrieving Trials as it may be in other countries.
We at all times conduct retrieving trials within the Firearms and Game laws of each State and/or Territory of Australia.
Nothing we do as part of the Retrieving Discipline is unethical as the game we use is culled and destined for the local garbage tips whether we use it or not.
Ron did you explain such facts to the Gentleman? I don't believe you have.

Ron please respond as I am genuinely interested and concerned.

Happy New Year,
Regards, Joe Vella
Joe Vella
Posts: 53
Joined: Mon 27 Aug 2007 4:08 pm

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