Queensland Call for Support

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Moderator: Peter Butterfield

Queensland Call for Support

Postby Peter Butterfield » Wed 17 Apr 2024 12:21 am

Reposted from Retrieving Queensland (Fb) by request...

Queenslanders, and friends of Queenslanders, we need your support.

As you would be aware, 2024 has seen the introduction of Replica Game being used in our Retrieving Trials, at the direction of the Board of Directors.
In order to protect our rights within the Retrieving Trials in Australia, the Qld BOD lobbied the Board of Directors of Dogs Australia last year to include Replica Game as a valid game alternative in the ANKC Rules for Retrieving, sighting “Public Perception” of the use of euthanised animals in our sport.
This has no affect on any other state body conducting Retrieving Trials using Cold Game.

Queensland has now conducted two weekend trials using Replica Game, three after this next weekend. An overwhelming majority of those who attended the trials have given positive feedback, acknowledging that there was no disadvantage to the dogs, or the conduct of the trial, which were judged by our usual judges, performing their duty in the usual way, and presenting challenging runs, typical of the standard of each stake.

What we now are asking support for is this:
It has come to our attention that there is an element actively and relentlessly striving to influence Dogs Australia to reverse their decision to include Replica Game in the Rules.
What this means for Queensland is that we will be forced to conduct our trials outside of the rules and thus not be entitled to any points or awards.
What this means to others is that any persons or clubs considering this alternative game will be shut down and no longer have that choice.
We have also heard of an alternative discipline being mooted. This is not acceptable to Queensland as it will mean separation from the rest of Australia, with far reaching ramifications, such as no eligibility to entering trials interstate, or State or National Championships.
Our RAFT, and those we have sort opinions from, find this unacceptable.

Ask yourselves, how long before the photos of dogs with ducks, and pigeons, become available to the greater community and how long before the whole retrieving scene is drawn into the public eye for this, and Dogs Australia are called upon to explain?
If we can quietly transition, starting with Queensland, and everyone else slips quietly back into their normal routine for as long as they are able, is this not the best option. Causing more problems by creating a rift within Australia and highlighting the use of game, can only damage the sport.

How can you help? As a matter of some urgency:
Queenslanders, talk to friends and associates about this.
Other States: If you would like to see the option of Replica Game remain, lobby your RAFT to support rule 8K as it stands now within the ANKC Rules for Retrieving, that is, the inclusion of Replica Game as an option.

Thank you for your consideration of our situation.

Post by Cathie Jackson (QLD)
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