Tasmanian RAFT

For discussion on anything retrieving related - trialing, training equipment, news, etc.

Moderator: Peter Butterfield

Tasmanian RAFT

Postby John Aherne » Sun 19 May 2024 1:31 pm

Tasmanian RAFT:

The following are the ‘FACTS’ relating to National RAFT meetings and Dogs Australia board meetings.
It is important to have these in order to make informed decisions, going forward.

Tasmanian Raft.
Independent Chair Dogs Tas appointee. Mrs Pat Hallam

Dogs Tas appointee’s
Mrs Sue Axton
Mr Karl Britton.

TGTA elected representatives,
Mr John Aherne
Mr Paul Hennesey

GCT elected representatives,
Mrs M.Littlejohn
Mr P. Littlejohn (Minute Secretary)

During the last year there has been many changes and meetings involving numerous motions, some of which triallers’ would be aware and others that have occurred without any consultation.
This is from FACTS and will state date and agenda items as they occurred.

February 2023 Special board meeting Dogs Australia.

(Refer Minutes 11.02.23, Item 5.6)
Dogs Queensland sought approval to change the following wording in the ANKC Rules for the Conduct of Retrieving Trials for Gundogs at the February 2023 Special Board meeting:
8 (k)
Game – Definition of - Quail, Duck, Pigeon, Partridge, Pheasant, Rabbit and Hare, inclusive of domesticated variants of the above species. (Refer also to Rule No.7)
8 (k)
Game – Definition of – REAL OR REPLICA - Quail, Duck, Pigeon, Partridge, Pheasant, Rabbit and Hare, inclusive of domesticated variants of the above species. (Refer also to Rule No.7)
The above amendment is required to ensure that all members of the ANKC may compete in Retrieving Trials on an equal basis.
A response from the National Retrieving & Field Trial Committee was received on 6 February 2023 and circulated to the Directors.
The Directors resolved at the February 2023 Special Board meeting for the following requests contained in the National Retrieving & Field Trial Committee response to be approved:
1) Request that DOGS QLD rescind their resolution and any resulting ‘directive’ issued to the QLD ‘RAFT Committee to not use any natural/real game’, thereby allowing Retrieving Trials to be conducted in QLD under the current Rules in 2023; and
2) Approves the immediate commencement of a Review of the ‘Rules for the conduct of Retrieving Trials for Gundogs’ subject to the following conditions:
a. Any such review process is to be limited to the inclusion of ‘artificial game’ and looking at game usage and management in the Rules and any matters directly relating to that issue;
b. Is to be administered by the National RAFT under the oversight of the ANKC;
c. Is to be conducted in consultation with all relevant Member Bodies; and
d. Is to be finalised in 2023 with any subsequent amendments to the Rules to commence on the 1st of January 2024.
It was envisaged the recommendations from the National Retrieving & Field Trial Committee in terms of the review of the relevant rules would be dealt with at the October 2023 Board meeting.
The National Retrieving & Field Trial Committee met via zoom video conferencing on 22 August 2023 and their recommendations are contained in the meeting minutes which are included in the agenda of the October 2023 Board meeting.
It was noted only Dogs Queensland was requesting to use replica game and other Member Bodies can continue using whatever type of game they want. There would be no financial or timing impact to the other Member Bodies if the Dogs Queensland request was endorsed.
After further discussion the Directors agreed to accept the minutes subject to Item 4 being referred back to the committee to address the Dogs Queensland request for them to use replica game.

Aug 23 NRAFT, Zoom meeting.
(Qld) Proposed Change Rule 8K

(k) Game – Definition of - Quail, Duck, Pigeon, Partridge, Grouse, Ptarmigan, Pheasant,
Rabbit and Hare, inclusive of domesticated and replica variants of the above species.
(Refer also to Rule No.7).
Trial Committees shall be responsible for ensuring that any ‘game’ used
at trials has been sourced and handled in accordance with the relevant State or Territory
Prevention of Cruelty or Animal Welfare legislation. Feral game, e.g .Pigeons, should be sourced from authorised Pest Control agents.

Moved:​​DOGS QLD​​Seconded: No Seconder therefore MOTION LOST

This was followed by:
The National RAFT Committee supports the inclusion of replica game in Retrieving Trials for Gundogs. However, there are a range of considerations that make delivery of the required rule changes within a contracted timeline (by January 2024) unachievable:
1) There are a wide range of detailed amendments required to effectively implement rules related to replica game. Whilst there is high level agreement that replica game should be incorporated into the rules, engagement and consultation needs to be undertaken to reach agreement on detailed amendments. Some examples include, qualifications and eligibility for titles, score sheets, definitions, changes to some types of retrieves, and scoring of hard mouth.
2) The financial impact to clubs for the purchase of replica game in the required numbers is considerable. Insufficient time is available for clubs to forecast the expenditure in budgets or undertake fundraising activities.
3) Suitable replica game is currently in limited supply in Australia and replica game is unlikely to be able to be sourced from overseas within a reasonable timeframe.

With consideration for the amendment to Rule 7 for the Conduct of Retrieving Trials for Gundogs, that provides improved clarity and assurance around the legal and ethical management of game, the National RAFT Committee seeks support from the Dogs Australia to:
1) Request Dogs Qld allow retrieving trials to continue under the existing rules for the trialling season of 2024
2) Advise Dogs Qld that the inclusion of replica game will be progressed as part of the review of rules for the Conduct of Retrieving Trials for Gundogs to be implemented in January 2025.

Moved:​​DOGS TASMANIA​Seconded:​ DOGS VICTORIA​Carried
​​​​​​​​​​For:​​​​​​​​​​​​DOGS QLD
​​​​​​​​​​DOGS NSW
​​​​​​​​​​DOGS VIC
​​​​​​​​​​DOGS TAS​
​​​​​​​​​​DOGS SA
​​​​​​​​​​DOGS WA

These motions were forwarded to the Dogs Australia board meeting in October 2023 and the results are as follows.

5.21 Rules for the Conduct of Retrieving Trials for Gundogs – Proposed Amendment
The National Retrieving & Field Trial Committee met via zoom video conferencing on 22 August 2023 and their recommendations are contained in the meeting minutes which are included in the agenda of the October 2023 Board meeting.
It was noted only Dogs Queensland was requesting to use replica game and other Member Bodies can continue using whatever type of game they want. There would be no financial or timing impact to the other Member Bodies if the Dogs Queensland request was endorsed.
After further discussion the Directors agreed to accept the minutes subject to Item 4 being referred back to the committee to address the Dogs Queensland request for them to use replica game.
MINUTES – Dogs Australia Board Meeting – 21-22.10.2023
It was RESOLVED on the motion of B Parker/B Murfet that the minutes of the National Retrieving & Field Trial Committee meeting held 22 August 2023 and the recommendations contained therein be approved subject to Item 4 of the minutes being referred to the committee to address the request from Dogs Queensland.
On being put to the vote the motion was CARRIED.
For: Directors Beckett, Brown, Rafton, Parker, Sales
Against: Directors Campbell, Murfet, McCutcheon
Abstain: Directors Birkeland, McPhee, Robinson
Following discussion later in the meeting in Item 6.15.1 Mr Gent reopened discussion on Item 5.21 and confirmed that Dogs Queensland were requesting to be able to use replica game until the national committee have made a recommendation.
Moved by B Murfet, seconded L Brown that the minutes of the National Retrieving & Field Trial Committee meeting held 22 August 2023 and the recommendations contained therein be approved subject to Item 4 of the minutes be rescinded.
On being put to the vote the motion was CARRIED.
For: Directors Birkeland, Murfet, McCutcheon, Beckett, Brown, Rafton, Parker, McPhee, Robinson
Against: Director Sales
Abstain: Director Campbell
It was RESOLVED on the motion of B Murfet/E McCutcheon that the minutes of the National Retrieving & Field Trial Committee meeting held 22 August 2023 and their recommendations contained therein be approved subject to Item 4 – Rule 8 (k)- to be amended to read:
8 (k) Game – Definition of - Quail, Duck, Pigeon, Partridge, Grouse, Ptarmigan, Pheasant, Rabbit and Hare, inclusive of domesticated or replica variants of the above species.
On being put to the vote the motion was CARRIED.
For: Directors Campbell, Murfet, McCutcheon, Beckett, Brown, Rafton, McPhee, Robinson
Against: Directors Parker, Sales
Abstain: Director Birkeland
It was agreed this rule does not exclude the continued use of real game.

This is the motion that was lost due to not being seconded at the Aug 23 NRAFT meeting. (This is not part of the meeting but Tasmanian RAFT observation. This rule was posted later on social media and there is currently no variation between titles obtained.)”

RAFT Tasmania asked for the motion to be endorsed but with a condition that no championship points be awarded as a stop gap until the July 24 NRAFT meeting.
Motion attached.
97. On completion of the Trial the Judge shall complete and sign a Judge's Certificate or official catalogue of the event indicating:

(a) Placegetters. Only dogs worthy of the award of Championship points may be shown as first, second or third placegetters in Stakes carrying Championship points. Dogs that have completed a stake where Replica variants of game were used can only be shown as placegetters, and no Championship points will be awarded.

This was agreed to by all RAFT Tasmania delegates and then forwarded to Dogs Tas who then forwarded it to all elected councillors who unanimously agreed to the motion which was then correctly forwarded to the ANKC for the board of directors meeting in February 2024.​

The Board of directors meeting in February 2024 accepted the motion and dealt with that motion as well as a request from Dogs Victoria.

Minutes attached.

5.5 Rules for the conduct of Retrieving Trials for Gundogs: Amendment

THAT Rule 97 in the Rules for the Conduct of Retrieving Trials for Gundogs be amended as follows:
Currently reads:
97. On completion of the Trial the Judge shall complete and sign a Judge's Certificate or official catalogue of the event indicating:
(a) Placegetters. Only dogs worthy of the award of Championship points may be shown as first, second or third placegetters in Stakes carrying Championship points.
(b) Awards of Certificates of Merit, Diploma of Merit and Qualifying Certificates (if any).

Be amended to read:
97. On completion of the Trial the Judge shall complete and sign a Judge's Certificate or official catalogue of the event indicating:
(a) Placegetters. Only dogs worthy of the award of Championship points may be shown as first, second or third placegetters in Stakes carrying Championship points. Dogs that have completed a stake where Replica variants of game were used can only be shown as placegetters, and no Championship points will be awarded.
(b) Awards of Certificates of Merit, Diploma of Merit and Qualifying Certificates (if any).

Victorian Request:

6.3 Rules for the Conduct of Retrieving Trials for Gundogs: Request for Clarification

Correspondence received from the Dogs Victoria Retrieving & Field Trial Committee was received and discussed. It was agreed the matter had been dealt with in Item 5.5 earlier in the meeting where the decision from the October 2023 Board meeting was being referred to the National Retrieving & Field Trial Committee for their recommendation.
It was unanimously RESOLVED on the motion of D Sales/P Campbell that Dogs Australia write to Dogs Victoria and advise that we recognise this decision was made not in accordance with our policy and we are making every endeavour to rectify the situation.

This is the factual events as they have played out, it is believed that the last comment from the February 24 Dogs Australia board meeting in response to the Dogs Victoria request says it all, but what is currently occurring may not be in the best interest of Retrieving trials in Australia
John Aherne
Posts: 39
Joined: Thu 28 Apr 2016 10:22 pm

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