LAB CLUB QLD _ R.A.T.G. _ March

Labrador Retriever Club of Queensland
6 March 2022
Retrieving Ability Test for Gundogs
All entries to: Greg Mitchell Entries close 27 February 2022
(PO Box 170, Coopers Plains, Qld 4124)
Type in all relevant details as per official entry forms, or attach a word or excel document.
PLEASE DO NOT SEND PHOTOS or any other form of document that cannot easily be copied and pasted.
Entry Fee to be paid before or with entry, please attach payment receipt.
Direct Debt BSB: 084 134 Acc No: 539771247
(enquiries to Greg on 0418169606 ENTRIES NOT ACCEPTED BY PHONE)
Entry Fees: $15.00 per entry ( Novice & Open)
Trophies and Sashs for 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd placings all stakes.
This RATG will be held in conjunction with the LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB of QLD’s OPEN SHOW.
Venue: Dogs QLD Complex, King Ave, Durack.
Judge: Mrs S Bamford - NOVICE & OPEN STAKES
6 March 2022
Retrieving Ability Test for Gundogs
All entries to: Greg Mitchell Entries close 27 February 2022
(PO Box 170, Coopers Plains, Qld 4124)
Type in all relevant details as per official entry forms, or attach a word or excel document.
PLEASE DO NOT SEND PHOTOS or any other form of document that cannot easily be copied and pasted.
Entry Fee to be paid before or with entry, please attach payment receipt.
Direct Debt BSB: 084 134 Acc No: 539771247
(enquiries to Greg on 0418169606 ENTRIES NOT ACCEPTED BY PHONE)
Entry Fees: $15.00 per entry ( Novice & Open)
Trophies and Sashs for 1 st , 2 nd and 3 rd placings all stakes.
This RATG will be held in conjunction with the LABRADOR RETRIEVER CLUB of QLD’s OPEN SHOW.
Venue: Dogs QLD Complex, King Ave, Durack.
Judge: Mrs S Bamford - NOVICE & OPEN STAKES