GCSA Inc. RATG Results April 30 & May 1 2022

For discussion about Retriever Ability Tests (formerly Gundog Working Tests), schedules and results.

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GCSA Inc. RATG Results April 30 & May 1 2022

Postby Carmel Nottle » Fri 27 May 2022 7:22 am

The Gundog Club of SA Retrieving Ability Tests for Gundogs Results

April 30th and May 1st

Blackers Property, Willunga

Thank you to Colin and Coleen Blacker who very generously welcomed us onto their property again for the weekend. The property was in stunning condition, and we also accessed a new area of the property that offered some great new runs for competitors.

Thank you also to Laucke Mills who generously sponsored first place for all stakes across the weekend donating eight 22kg bags of DIB’s Premium Dog Bits.

Well done to all the qualifiers and those that gained titles.

Saturday April 30th
Trial 1
Judge: Roz Buckley
1st place - Mrs JULIE Kradolfer & Kadlinga Kennels Labrador Retriever Bitch Kadlinga Dot Dot Dash – 84 points
2nd place - Ms J MacKenzie’s German Shorthaired Pointer Bitch ULANA ADIN DOM (IMP SVN) QC- 82 points
3rd place - Ms J MacKenzie’s German Shorthaired Pointer Dog AUST CH OAKRIDGE WALDEMAR (IID DEU) QC – 80 points
No further qualifiers

Judge: Jeff Patrick
1st place - Ms L Lennell & Mr R Dolphin’s Labrador Retriever Bitch Neut CH REVEIRTER ABHAINN BLACKWATER (AI) NRA NRD – 83 points
No further qualifiers

Trial 2
Judge: Jeff Patrick
1st place - Mrs JULIE Kradolfer & Kadlinga Kennels Labrador Retriever Bitch Kadlinga Dot Dot Dash – 88 points
2nd place - Ms J MacKenzie’s German Shorthaired Pointer Dog AUST CH OAKRIDGE WALDEMAR (IID DEU) QC – 85 points
3rd place - Dr C Nottle’s Labrador Retriever Dog NEUT. CH. REVEIRTER NE MT STIRLING CCD. RE. JD. FD. JC. – 75 points
No further qualifiers

Judge: Lynette Lennell
No qualifiers

Sunday May 1st
Trial 3
Judge: Lynette Lennell
No qualifiers

Judge: Jeff Patrick
1st place - Ms J MacKenzie’s German Shorthaired Pointer Bitch ULANA ADIN DOM (IMP SVN) QC- 79 points
2nd place - Ms J MacKenzie German’s Shorthaired Pointer Dog AUST CH OAKRIDGE WALDEMAR (IID DEU) QC – 75 points
No further qualifiers

Trial 4
Judge: Roz Buckley
1st place - Dr C Nottle’s Labrador Retriever Dog NEUT. CH. REVEIRTER NE MT STIRLING CCD. RE. JD. FD. JC. – 81 points
No further qualifiers

Judge: Roz Buckley
No qualifiers

Congratulations also to those who gained their titles during the weekend.

NRA - Ms J MacKenzie’s German Shorthaired Pointer Bitch ULANA ADIN DOM (IMP SVN) QC
NRA - Ms J MacKenzie’s German Shorthaired Pointer Dog AUST CH OAKRIDGE WALDEMAR (IID DEU) QC
NRA - Dr C Nottle’s Labrador Retriever Dog NEUT. CH. REVEIRTER NE MT STIRLING CCD. RE. JD. FD. JC.
ORA - Ms L Lennell & Mr R Dolphins Labrador Retriever Bitch Neut CH REVEIRTER ABHAINN BLACKWATER (AI) NRA NRD
Carmel Nottle
Posts: 22
Joined: Wed 20 Mar 2019 3:32 pm

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