RATG Rule Review

For discussion about Retriever Ability Tests (formerly Gundog Working Tests), schedules and results.

Moderator: Peter Butterfield

RATG Rule Review

Postby Ray Temple » Tue 12 Jul 2022 5:50 pm

The RATG Rule Review is currently taking place. Unfortunately, there has not been much activity in providing information in the regard. In fact, I do not recollect receiving any notices, but it might be a failure of my memory.

The program is as follows: -
Closing date for submissions 31.07.22
Proposed amendments issued October 2022
Discussed & acted upon by NRAFT July 2023
New or amended rules come into force 01.01.2024

Any proposed NSW amendments will need to be submitted to the NSW RAFT prior to our meeting on 21.07.2022 for acceptance & submission to the NRAFT.

Any proposed amendment needs to be in the following format
State the current rule that the amendment is proposed.
State the proposed rule amendment/addition.
Rationale for the proposed amendment.

As has happened over previous rule reviews, if the proposed amendment is not in the required format, it will not be accepted.

This does not leave much time so if you feel that amendments are required please forward to DogNSW (attent. RAFT Committee) and to myself at ray.goldpaws@gmail.com

Just so it is out there, the Retrieving Rule review has the following program
Notices sent to Member Bodies February 2023
Close of submissions July 2023
NRAFT discussions July 2024
New rules effective 01.01.2025

Ray Temple
Acting Chair
Ray Temple
Posts: 110
Joined: Fri 25 Oct 2013 9:29 pm

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