Wei National RATG 4 May 2023

For discussion about Retriever Ability Tests (formerly Gundog Working Tests), schedules and results.

Moderator: Peter Butterfield

Wei National RATG 4 May 2023

Postby Peter Butterfield » Mon 30 Jan 2023 1:37 am

Posted on behalf of...
Affiliated with the South Australian Canine Association Inc., will conduct
RETRIEVING ABILITY TEST FOR GUNDOGS Weimaraners and Weimaraner Longhairs only. Dogs participating must be registered on Main, Limited or with Overseas Control. Associate Registered dogs cannot compete as part of a National.
Date : THURSDAY 4th MAY 2023
VENUE: Milang, Lake Alexandrina
Entries Close Monday 3rd April 2023 "'Definitely no late entries accepted"'
Vetting 9.30am
Novice RATG Mr Graeme Allen
Open RATG Mr Graeme Allen
The Club reserves the right to engage a Reserve Judge if necessary. Please include a legible email address on the front of your entry form (or a ssae if no email and you require a receipt or directions). Condition of entry: when not running a dog, competitors will be required to act as Stewards.
Entry Fees per trial: Novice and Open RATG $15.00 includes catalogue Annual Membership: Single $25.00: Family $30.00; Pensioner $23.00. Financial Year: 1S' October— 30' September Vet Steward: from the Committee SACA Rep: Jadine Mackenzie Trial Manager: Lois Richter Please post completed entry forms to: Lois Richter, PO Box 1503, Mt Barker SA 5251 Tel: 0408080876 Email: lois.waldwiese@gmail.com OR Enter via SHOW MANAGER
Prizes awarded Novice and Open RATG 1st place (qualifying only). Other trophies where donated.
Certificate to all qualifying entries. Place cards 1st, 2nd, 3rd qualifying only.
R.A.T.G. Rules: Refer to ANKC Website, Rules for the conduct of Retrieving Ability Tests for Gundogs 2019. All competing dogs will be required to be presented at time of vetting each day.
DUMMY: The type of dummies used shall be at the discretion of the Judge according to the Rules. DUMMIES must be presented for inspection prior to close of vetting. Novice 2 dummies required, Open requires 3.
Hot weather policy applies, if forecast temperature at 10.00 am two days prior on elders weather is 32° or above the trial will be cancelled, unless there is ample swimming water on the property. Where an Exhibition is cancelled in accordance with the Hot Weather Rules, no entry fees will be refunded. Effective isi January 2019, Contact convenor if in doubt.
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Peter Butterfield
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Joined: Tue 26 Mar 2013 11:56 am
Location: Hunter Valley, NSW

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