WGC RATG 21 Oct in conjunction with Retrieving Trials

For discussion about Retriever Ability Tests (formerly Gundog Working Tests), schedules and results.

Moderator: Peter Butterfield

WGC RATG 21 Oct in conjunction with Retrieving Trials

Postby Peter Butterfield » Mon 04 Sep 2023 7:57 pm

Entries close 8th October, 2023

To be held under the Rules and Regulations of Dogs NSW. A copy may be inspected at the office of the
Secretary of the fixture on the day of the trial

Location Kanimbla, NSW
Saturday 21
& Sunday 22 October, 2023

Entries to: http://www.easydogentries.com
Or the Trial Secretary: Mrs Alison Menil, 15 Kirkloch Close,Wallsend NSW 2287
0425 302 969 Email: alisonmenil@bigpond.com
Cheques made payable to: The Working Gundog Club Inc.

Judges: Novice, Restricted, All Age, RATG (Saturday not before 12 noon
competitors to supply own dummies as per RATG Rules)
Sat 21:Lynne Elliott, Joe Barber, Joe Vella, Rebecca Braid RATG Novice & Open
Sun 22: Bill Frew, Brad Leggett, Joe Barber

Entry Fees: Novice: Members $18, Non-members $22
Restricted: Members $21, Non-members $25
All Age: Members $24, Non-members $28 Note: when 20 entries are received another judge will be
RATG: Members $12, Non-members $15

Vetting: 07.30am retrieving stakes and 11.30am for RATG

Judging commences: 8.30am and not before 12noon for RATG

Dogs NSW Representative: to be advised
Prizes: Sash and Cash 1st, 2nd and 3rd (sash 4th Novice only)
Note: It is a condition of entry that competitors will assist with stewarding on request
Properties used for trials are private properties and must not be revisited after the trial.
COVID 19 PROTOCOLS AS PER Dogs NSW and NSW Health will be in place

Camping: Venice Caravan Park LITTLE HARTLY (just off Great Western Hwy near the Cox River Rd intersection. Please phone and make your reservation 0263552106.
Note: $18 per night per powered site (Cash Only). SEE MAP
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Peter Butterfield
Board Admin
Posts: 651
Joined: Tue 26 Mar 2013 11:56 am
Location: Hunter Valley, NSW

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