WGC Double RATGs - 10 March 2024

For discussion about Retriever Ability Tests (formerly Gundog Working Tests), schedules and results.

Moderator: Peter Butterfield

WGC Double RATGs - 10 March 2024

Postby Peter Butterfield » Wed 31 Jan 2024 3:55 pm

WGC Double RATGs - 10 March 2024
Working Gundog Club Inc.
Affiliated with Dogs NSW
Retrieving Ability Tests for Gundogs x 2 run concurrently
Date: 10 March, 2024, 0800am
Venue: Middlebrook via Scone 2337 (NSW)
RATG 1 Novice and Open
Rebecca Braid
RATG 2 Open and Novice
Angelika Goehring
Novice RATG:
• Official entries (as per Rule 2.3) to be eligible to compete in a Novice Retrieving Ability Test, a dog
must not have received three passes in Novice Retrieving Ability Tests under at least two judges or
gained any of the following Titles as defined in the Rules for Conduct of Retrieving Trials for Gundogs
(effective 1 Jan 2010) - DM, CM, QND, NRD, RRD, AARD, RT CH, Nat RT CH, Grand RT CH.
Open RATG:
• Official entries (as per Rule 2.4) to be eligible to compete in an Open Retrieving Ability Test, a dog
must have received three passes in Novice Retrieving Ability Tests or have gained any of the
following Titles as defined in the Rules for the Conduct of Retrieving Trials for Gundogs (effective 1
Jan 2010) - DM, CM, QND, NRD, RRD, AARD, RT CH, Nat RT CH, Grand RT CH.
Awards: All Stakes – Trophy & Sash 1st, 2nd and 3rd Place.
Entry Fees:
$15.00 Novice
$18.00 Open
Note that due to lack of game please bring your own regulation size dummies or dokkens according
to RATG rules. Water runs will be included.
Payment Options:
(i) Cheques should be made out to Working Gundog Club Inc and included with entries
(ii) Direct internet transfer at time of entry to:
Acc Name: Working Gundog Club Inc.
BSB: 012 266
A/C No: 349147312
(iii) easydogentries.com
Accommodation onsite and Meal packages available for Friday, Saturday and Sunday contact
Sandra Hodges with your booking email: swink78@hotmail.com
Entries Close: Monday 27 February, 2023
Please provide an email address for directions to the trial site.
Manual entries to be forwarded to:
Secretary: Alison Menil
15 Kirkloch Close Wallsend NSW 2287
Email: alisonmenil@bigpond.com
Trial Manager: Mr Brad Leggett
Vetting: 7.30 am. Vetting Officer: Mrs Alison Menil
Dogs NSW Rep: to be confirmed
This Trial is conducted under the Rules & Regulations of the Australian National Kennel Council Ltd
Retrieving Ability Tests for Gundogs. A copy may be perused at the Secretary’s office.
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Peter Butterfield
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Results WGC Double RATGs - 10 March 2024

Postby Peter Butterfield » Mon 11 Mar 2024 7:27 pm


RATG 1 TRIAL 10/3/2024
1st 14 FLYNNMAC TOTAL CONTROL (AI) Bitch Labrador Retriever Mr. B. Leggett 97
2nd 8 M0REKOS APPLE WPD Dog English Springer Spaniel Miss .M Stendara 91
3rd 15 BELABARTOK MY WILD IRISH ROSE Bitch Hungarian Vizsla Mrs N. Vale 90
4th 4 TAPUA HOT SUMMERS NIGHT Dog Labrador Retriever Ms. K. Maher 87
5th 15A ZIGGY English Springer Spaniel Dog Mrs. Elizabeth Russell 87
6th 13 CH DECARISSA DARK KNIGHT Dog Flat Coated Retriever Mrs. S. Cassidy 85
7th 6 WHISTLEWIRE GREEN RIVER Dog German Wirehaired Pointer Mr. G. Whitehead 82
8th 1 CH CASTANEAS THEOSPHOENIX RN Dog Nova Scotia Duck Tolling Retriever Dr. C Wade 79
9th 11 FELDJAEGER NOTRE REV ARAGON Dog Weimaraner Mrs. A. & Mr. J. Menil 78

1st 18 JARKK WHERE ARYA GOING RN NRA Bitch Labrador Retriever Ms Debs Dutta 94
2nd 20 GREENWOOD LODGE WONDERBOY QND ORA RN IMP NLD Dog Labrador Retriever Mrs. S. Hodges 90
3rd 17 ACTIVGOLDENS ANGUS (AI) CD. NRA. ORA Dog Golden Retriever Mrs. B. Warren 88
4TH 22 PEPPATREE FIFTY SHADES OF BLACK (AI) RA. CCD. NRA Dog Flat Coated Retriever H.Mann 87
5th 21 CH BELABARTOK CLASSIC TIA MARIA TD ORA QND Bitch Hungarian Vizsla Mrs. N. Vale 86

RATG 2 TRIAL 10/3/2024
1st 33 MHADAIDH ROB ROY MACGREGOR (AI) Dog Golden Retriever Mr.R. Temple 99
2nd 35 GREENWOOD LODGE WONDERBOY QND ORA RN IMP NLD Dog Labrador Retriever Mrs. S. Hodges 89
3rd 30 POINTMORE BLACK RAIN CDX RA ORA Dog German Shorthaired Pointer Mr. T. McEniery 85
4th 27 ACTIVGOLDENS ANGUS (AI) CD. NRA. ORA Dog Golden Retriever Mrs. B. Warren 84
5th 31 CH BELABARTOK CLASSIC TIA MARIA TD ORA QND Bitch Hungarian Vizsla Mrs. N. Vale 75

1st 36 FLYNNMAC TOTAL CONTROL (AI) Bitch Labrador Retriever Mr. B. Leggett 96
2nd 47 HUBERTUS BOUND TO IMPRESS Bitch Hungarian Vizsla Mr. D. Cameron 85
3rd 8 M0REKOS APPLE WPD Dog English Springer Spaniel Miss .M Stendara 79
3rd 15 BELABARTOK MY WILD IRISH ROSE Bitch Hungarian Vizsla Mrs N. Vale 90
4th 48 DUOFORZA SHOW EM HOW ITS DONE Bitch Lagotto Romagnolo Mr r & Mrs S Sharpe = Handler Una Russell 79

FLYNNMAC TOTAL CONTROL (AI) Bitch Labrador Retriever Mr. B. Leggett NRA
HUBERTUS BOUND TO IMPRESS Bitch Hungarian Vizsla Mr. D. Cameron NRA
BELABARTOK MY WILD IRISH ROSE Bitch Hungarian Vizsla Mrs N. Vale NRA
M0REKOS APPLE WPD Dog English Springer Spaniel Miss .M Stendara NRA
MHADAIDH ROB ROY MACGREGOR (AI) Dog Golden Retriever Mr.R. Temple ORA
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Peter Butterfield
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Location: Hunter Valley, NSW

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