Entries close 10th October, 2024
To be held under the Rules and Regulations of Dogs NSW. A copy may be inspected at the office of the
Secretary of the fixture on the day of the trial
Location Cooranbong, NSW 2265
Sunday 20 October, 2024
Entries to: http://www.easydogentries.com
Or the Trial Secretary: Mrs Alison Menil, 15 Kirkloch Close,Wallsend NSW 2287
0425 302 969 Email: alisonmenil@bigpond.com
Cheques made payable to: The Working Gundog Club Inc.
Judges: RATG 1 Peter Betteridge and RAGT 2 Sandra Hodges
competitors to supply own dummies/dokkens as per RATG Rules)
Sun 22: RATG 1 Novice followed by Open RATG 2 Open followed by Novice
Entry Fees: Novice: Members $12, Non-members $15
RATG: Members $12, Non-members $15
Vetting: 08.00am
Judging commences: 8.30am
Dogs NSW Representative: to be advised
Prizes: Sash and Cash 1st, 2nd and 3rd
Note: It is a condition of entry that competitors will assist with stewarding on request
Properties used for trials are private properties and must not be revisited after the trial.
COVID 19 PROTOCOLS AS PER Dogs NSW and NSW Health will be in place
A Training Day will be held the day before on 19/10/24 at the same location. Details will be published separately.
Big 4 Ingenia Holidays Lake Macquarie
Lot 28 Monterey Ave, Mannering Park NSW Phone 4359 1033