Guidelines for Advertising Dogs and Puppies

Advertise dogs, puppies and anything retrieving related for sale, swap or to give away here. Please use the sticky post at the top of this forum to advertise stud dogs. No Commercial or Retail Ads please.

Moderator: Peter Butterfield

Guidelines for Advertising Dogs and Puppies

Postby Peter Butterfield » Wed 25 Jan 2017 11:20 am

Advertisers are reminded that some breed / member bodies provide guidelines for advertising dogs and puppies in the media, and certain States have legal requirements regarding content such as the inclusion of microchip numbers or business / council / kennel registration details etc.

Please familiarise yourself with current institutional and legal obligations pertaining to your State before posting For Sale details about dogs, puppies or pending litters.

RA Facebook posts: Please note that Meta prohibits advertising animals for sale and may delete posts on Facebook pages. Retrieving Australia encourages the placement of working gundogs into working and active homes. Advertising registered thoroughbred gundog litters on this website forum is recommended in accordance with the guidelines above.

Thank you,
Retrieving Australia.
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Peter Butterfield
Board Admin
Posts: 638
Joined: Tue 26 Mar 2013 11:56 am
Location: Hunter Valley, NSW

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