1 Male Still Available for Immediate Pickup. Born 19th October 2022
We have just confirmed by Ultra sound this week the successful mating of "Riva" Reveirter Wattle Point NRD and "Duke" Rt Ch Willowyse The Duke
"Duke" is owned by Noel and Kate Eltringham (Vic) and was bred by R. Eaton Wells (Qld)
For more information on his Pedigree please see Reveirter Labradors Website.
"Riva" is owned and trialed by myself and Rob in Sth Aust.
Her pedigree includes the following dogs:
Gr Rt Ch Reveirter Swan Hill
Gr Rt Ch Reveirter Jet Kite
Gr Rt Ch Acolon Prince of Cypher
Gr Rt Ch Lowther Highland Tsu
Rt Ch Reveirter Cup Makybediva ORA
Riva shows great drive and working ability and is a pleasure to have in the home.
Please Phone me on 0499 886 552 to register your interest or for more Information.