OakLabs upcoming Labrador litter

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OakLabs upcoming Labrador litter

Postby Brian Williamson » Sat 03 Dec 2022 7:06 pm

OakLabs is pleased to announce a confirmed pregnancy of miss Millicent aka Millie due at the end of December.
Sire - OakLabs prime braznfeld aka Rusty.
Impressive pedigrees on both sides hosting numerous champions from UK, USA and Aust inc
•NTL RTCH Adderslot Carbo
•RTCH Trinanoge Hallies run
•RTCH Wilgunndi Naden brook
•UK FTCH Tanyrhallt blue bloods
•UK FTCH Stauntonvale moose milk
•UK FTCH & INT FTCH Baileys aguzannis of fendawood
Contact Brian- 0488446559
Located Victoria
Brian Williamson
Posts: 1
Joined: Wed 02 Oct 2019 8:57 pm

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