Very promising GSP puppy available.

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Moderator: Peter Butterfield

Very promising GSP puppy available.

Postby Jadine MacKenzie » Tue 09 May 2023 10:09 pm

I have a very promising 16 week old brown GSP male puppy, available to a suitable home.
He passed his temperament test with flying colours. He was run-on by me with other quality males from his litter.
I have been doing some basic training with him in the interim, and he will come to the whistle, sit to the whistle, and wait for his dinner until released. He retrieves well, and like the rest of his litter mates is pretty comfortable in watery situations.
He has been crate/toilet trained, and has travelled extensively both in a dog trailer and vehicle without any issues.
He has a very confident and friendly nature. And he loves people.
Both of his European-bred parents have been work-tested in Germany, with his mother having passed some impressive tests over there. Both parents are water-loving.
If you would like more information about this pup, and some photos, please call me on 0421315249.
Jadine MacKenzie
Oakridge German Shorthaired Pointers
Dedicated to the breeding and promotion of versatile German Shorthaired Pointers.
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Jadine MacKenzie
Posts: 91
Joined: Sun 14 Mar 2004 1:58 am
Location: Cherry Gardens, S.A.

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