Active home / role needed for 2yo Lab.

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Moderator: Peter Butterfield

Active home / role needed for 2yo Lab.

Postby Peter Butterfield » Wed 03 Jul 2024 10:00 am

RA has been contacted by an owner/trainer seeking to rehome a young dog from working lines due to the owner's health having taken a turn. Relocation in Perth or WA is preferred if possible.

Name: Gryff - “Gryffs Roar” bred by Skylit Labradors in NZ.
Labrador Retriever
DOB: 15/4/22
Colour: fox red
Recently neutered
Pedigree papers and documents can be provided.

Well socialised with dogs, people, kids, cats, stock - the owner’s background is in training companion dogs and behaviour modification.
Has foundational retrieval experience and scent work with kaizen k9.

Gryff is a high drive dog with untapped potential that requires an active stimulating environment to thrive in.

For further information contact the owner Mr Leo Linderboom by forwarding expressions of interest to

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