Kuven Labrador Retriever Puppies. Applications are open on my website https://kuvenlabradors.com/puppies.asp
The Shooter Litter - Black males and females available
Dam: Kuven Titans Dansa (Fergie)
Sire: Shazview Straight Shooter (Shooter)
Born January 1, 2025. They will be ready for their new homes at 8 weeks from February 26, 2025
The Success Litter - Black males available
Dam: RT Ch Kuven Lincolns Lady of Success (Ditto)
Sire: Kuven The Choice Was Made (Oscar)
Born January 2, 2025. They will be new homes at 8 weeks from February 27, 2025
There are strong working lines in the pedigrees, including NTL RT CH Adderslot Carbo and NTL GR RT Ch Kadnook Pride Ov Cork,
Grd RT CH Acolon Prince of Cypher (Imp UK), Grd RT CH Kadnook Sportingspirit and Grd RT CH Kadnook Dreams Edge
All parents have been x-rayed and DNA tested.
The puppies will be available on Mains Register at 8 weeks of age.
•Wormed •Vet Checked •Vaccinated •Microchipped and come with a puppy folder of information and a teddy, plus 6 weeks free pet insurance.
Please note: I respond to emails within 24 hours, so please check your junk mail.
Updates are posted on the Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/groups/kuvenlabradorretrievers