Open Thread for 2016 Tasmanian State Championship

Moderator: Peter Butterfield

Open Thread for 2016 Tasmanian State Championship

Postby Peter Butterfield » Sat 05 Nov 2016 7:07 am

Relayed by Will Hepburn...
Tasmanian state title running order.
Gareth& Eva
Josh & Sam
Bill &Tucker
John & Chloe
Gareth & Hallie
Dale & Max
Susie & Stumpy
Gareth & Texie
Paul & Tip
Dale & Marley
Kel & Scooter
Andrea & Bella
Vic & Honcho
Good luck to all competitors
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Peter Butterfield
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Re: Open Thread for 2016 Tasmanian State Championship

Postby Gareth Tawton » Sat 05 Nov 2016 9:40 am

First run I see now complete

We started the day with high winds and grey sky's. The run was changed from a triple to a double to allow for the changing winds. As the morning has progressed the winds have dropped and sun started to shine. The run was a double mark with a long bird to the right and short bird to the left. The long bird was hard to mark especially early in the morning and most dogs needed to be handled. Only one or two dogs picked up the birds without a handle.

We lost two dogs numbers 1 and 3.

Run two is a pyramid triple left mark long centre blind and right blind. The blinds are rabbits pick up long centre blind, right blind and mark last. The terrain is a mixture of bracken Gause bush and fallen timber.
Gareth Tawton
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Re: Open Thread for 2016 Tasmanian State Championship

Postby Gareth Tawton » Sat 05 Nov 2016 1:21 pm

Run 2 complete
We list dog 4 John Aherne

The wind has picked up again and is howling. It's very hard for dogs to hear.
Run 3 is on a large lagoon. Double mark and blind the right mark is picked up first on the far shore.
Blind next which cuts the left corner of the lagoon. There is a poison bird on the shore for the dogs that run the bank.
The middle bird land in the water which has long grass growing in it.
Gareth Tawton
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Re: Open Thread for 2016 Tasmanian State Championship

Postby Gareth Tawton » Sun 06 Nov 2016 8:05 am

The wind became horrific during run 3 and only 4 dogs completed the run
Vic and Honcho
Paul and Tip
Josh and Sam
Gareth and Tex

Sunday morning and the wind has dropped the conditions are excellent for dog work. Run 4 is a land triple long double rise, the mark is clear and land just out of site. The cover is a mixture of fallen timber and bracke. The handler shoots the double rise reloads then turns 45 degrees to the right and shoots a shot mark landing in bracken. Pick up order is double rise and then the short mark. All the dogs did a good job on this run.
Gareth Tawton
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