Stop Whistle Advice

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Stop Whistle Advice

Postby Lesli Cameron » Sat 25 Jun 2011 12:44 pm

Hi everyone

I'm having trouble training the stop whistle. I initially started training it when my dog was in the sitting position beside me. Now if i blow the stop whistle, she thinks she needs to come towards to and get in that position.

If she is in a sit metres in front of me and I throw a dummy over her head behind her, I can give her the come in whistle and then the stop whistle, which she obeys, because she is keen to be given the back command to retrieve the dummy.

i think I need to use a different approach and start again as I think it hasn't been clear to her what I want and now she is confused.

Help please.


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Re: Stop Whistle Advice

Postby Peter Betteridge » Sat 25 Jun 2011 1:37 pm
here's how i stop my dogs leslie
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Re: Stop Whistle Advice

Postby Howard » Sun 17 Jul 2011 10:42 am

This is a link to an RTF discussion on remote sit/sit coming in. Many people in the states do the first remote sits with the dog coming in. We have a lively discussion and get somewhat off topic but I expect you can get some insight from it. ... hp?t=72947
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Re: Stop Whistle Advice

Postby Anthony Turner » Sun 14 Aug 2011 9:34 pm

Peter Betteridge wrote:
here's how i stop my dogs leslie

Great drill Peter, I have been trying for some time now to stop my dog when he needed assistance on blind or even a mark. I was able to stop him when he was on his way back but could never stop him on the way out. Now he stops and spins looking for the next command.

Thanks for your help.

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Re: Stop Whistle Advice

Postby Peter Betteridge » Sun 14 Aug 2011 10:35 pm

im glad u got something out of it Anthony
others stop dogs by using a rope and stopping them on the way to a backpile but i found that it was very easy to loose momentun that way and there was no guarantee that the dog wouldnt flare even on a rope
i teach momentum to a backpile and a spinning sit as 2 different exercises and only marry the 2 well down the track.i feel that to apply pressure to both simultaneously is confusing to the dog and to wait until the dog is highly proficient at achieving momentum before u teach the spinning sit, is not a time efficient method
Get into the psychic of the dog and develop in that dog an expectation that something good will happen when u blow the whistle
good luck with your dog Anthony
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Re: Stop Whistle Advice

Postby Anthony Turner » Mon 15 Aug 2011 9:13 am

I read this quote on an internet forum once.
If you train a young dog for precision, demanding perfection, momentum will depart. If you train a young dog for momentum precision will arrive. John Seggura, attributed to Rex Carr.
I agree with the quote 100% and my dog is proof that it can work.

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