by Diane McCann » Fri 06 Jun 2014 1:20 pm
Matthew, if she is not cowering or reacting to the sight and sound of the gun then it is not likely to be the gun, if she is happy to retreive on land then it is not likely to be the retrieve, so that means it is likely to be the water or the ducks that are the issue. If she is happy to pick up a wounded duck on land then it is not likely to be the duck so it ends up being the water. She may just be finding it too cold and doesnt find the retrieve reward enough for the pain of the cold water. As Gareth said, make her retrieves a great deal of fun, getting her really going hell for leather and having a ball, then when the water warms up a bit do the same thing with short swims, shallow water and build her up. Do not create a battle on the waters edge and do not keep asking her to do something that she refuses. Good luck