GSP Vic Novice Results

For discussion related to spaniel and retriever, pointer and setter, and utility field trials

Moderator: Peter Butterfield

GSP Vic Novice Results

Postby Diane McCann » Mon 30 Apr 2018 8:12 pm

It was great to have 11 entries for the GSP Novice Utility Gundog field trial on Sunday the 29th of April. 2 Brittany, 1 Hungarian Vizsla and 8 GSP. It was also really nice to see lots of interested spectators who stayed for the whole day and were there for presentations. Thank you to the property owners, to Prue Winkfield and David Blacker for obtaining the property and to David Blacker for stewarding all day

Judge Mr R Baranello
1st Marco Pagliaro - Ior Di Val Grossa (imp Italy) Brittany dog 138 points
2nd Russell Thomas - Inkaline The Patriot RRD GSP dog 132 points
3rd Jamie Saliba - Yorifeld Rose Of York GSP bitch 126 points

Congratulations to Marco & Ior
Diane McCann
Posts: 652
Joined: Mon 01 Mar 2004 1:55 pm
Location: Pearcecdale Vic

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