Labrador Club WA AA 15th August

Moderator: Peter Butterfield

Labrador Club WA AA 15th August

Postby Marilyn Dawson » Mon 16 Aug 2021 11:01 am

The Labrador Retriever Club of WA held their Linc Sullivan Memorial Flash All Age trial on a Property near Jennacubbine, our thanks to the property owners for their kind permission to utilise their land.
A fantastic blue sky day, whilst it was cold overnight evidenced by the trailer tarpaulin being a stiff as a board and covered in ice, the wind whilst not too strong was cool, the day warmed and most got at least one layer off. There was plenty of water to be utilised for the runs with the dams filled and the Mortlock River running high after recent rains.

Thank you to Blackboy Kennels for the Trophies and the Labrador Retriever Club Patrons gift from Sandra Ingraham and Maggie Hankinson.

Huge than you to our Judge Mrs Maggie Hankinson and her Chief Steward Mr Colin Hankinson for all their hard work setting the runs. Thanks also to our field stewards Anne, Dennis, Sarah, Belinda, Kirsty and Mike.

8 Dogs entered with four finishers.
1st Place GR RT CH Ellishea Just Cussy CM handled by Heather Ellis with 227pts.
2nd Place RT CH Ellishea Wyatts Flash CM (AI) handled by Heather Ellis with 193pts.
3rd Place Wauchope Midsummer Storm AARD NED handled by Ray Johnson with 192pts.
Best Non- Champions was awarded to: Wauchope Midsummer Storm AARD NED handled by Ray Johnson.
Best Veteran was awarded to: GR RT CH Ellishea Just Cussy CM handled by Heather Ellis.
Team Prize was awarded to: Ellishea Just Ned RRD handled by Catherine Thorburn.
Wauchope Midsummer Storm AARD NED handled by Ray Johnson.
GR RT CH Ellishea Just Cussy CM handled by Heather Ellis.
Thank you Colin Hankinson for the report and photos.
Congratulations to everyone.
Marilyn Dawson
Posts: 163
Joined: Wed 16 Mar 2011 5:46 pm
Location: WA

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